Tryin' to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. . .


Monday, September 27, 2004

Drug Addict: A Real Basehead

Well I am a drug addict. I may not have tracks on my arm or a runny nose but I am an addict. Whenever I'm stressed, whenever I feel down, whenever I'm just bored, I take a hit. Perhaps there is a cure out there for my addiction but I don't know how to get it. I am sitting here watching 7th Heaven (a show I never watch!) and it was all about sex. Now one of the girls is talking about something deep. She says: So many of us think that life will be better once we get a husband, but the more important thing is getting to know yourself and your passion. You need to discover your passion. Sex can sidetrack you. You cannot share your passion until you find it yourself.

Well I was trying to talk while the girl was preaching. . . so that was difficult. Anyway, the tough thing is what the hell is my passion. I feel void inside. I feel like I used to know but now I just go through life floating. I have no real desire to do anything. Even though I love my job I don't desire to actually go to work. So I start feeling down, I start feeling like I don't know which way is up, and I take a hit. I don't feel anymore pain, I don't feel anymore frustration until I need another hit. The funny thing is, it's just like a drug. The more you do it, the less you can go without another hit. I was talking to someone about getting married, what does it matter if you get married. That doesn't cure the problem. You can lust as a married person just as you lust as a single person. It doesn't matter. In that sense, I feel like I can do nothing but lose.

I know I have a lot of gifts, but they are not refined. Sometimes I don't want to work on them. I flit around from one to the other never progressing because I can't stop and perfect one. So what, I can draw a little, I can write a little, I can pick up languages a little. I do none of them well. I have no discipline to stick to anything. It's the same discipline I lack to get myself off of these drugs.

But it's not an easy battle. The world is already against me. I look out into the world and there is nothing there for me but a reminder of that drug. I have to go and take another hit. The world is telling me that's what I should do and I am at fault because I listen. And a kid on 7th Heaven said it just like I'm thinking, I don't have any reason to believe I am going to heaven like this. . . might as well. It's like everything. Since I broke up with my ex I have fallen off of the wagon.

I don't even try to eat right, I don't even try to live right, I don't even try to advance myself. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me but I know I am an addict. Because once I take a hit, I am stressed no more. I can sleep, I don't have to feel anything else. I don't have to feel bad that I am fat or poor or untalented. Just take a hit. Just take a hit. Just take a hit. You don't need to worry. You can get those endorphins going. I am addicted. I would love a husband right now because I could at least have some help to get over it. But I don't know. Maybe I need to be strapped down and given shock treatment or something like that.

I want a normal life. I don't want to live like this but I am just like an addict also, I don't want to change. I want some easy answer and when it doesn't come, I don't want to bother anymore. It's worse these days. . . much worse. I am so hurt about Larry. I mean I would never want to go back to him but I feel like I am damaged beyoned repair. So I self medicate. . . just take a hit. . . just take a hit.

You could almost say, I'm strung out.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

What's the Point

What's the point of trying to be in a relationship. All you do is fight, all they do is end. Sometimes things are good but what I've found in my life is, things are only good if I decide they are going to be despite my frustrations. When something happens, I can say well, this person is pissing me off, but I still want to be with them so I drop it. But never has there been a time when I had the other person come to me and decide to just drop it because they cared about me. That's a great signal. Guess I'm not worth it. I am a little depressed today. Me and my friend had a falling out and now I guess we are done trying to be 'together.' I guess it's for the best anyway, we were very different kinds of thinkers. I feel like the only way for a relationship to work is compromise, but compromise doesn't work because inevitably the person who compromised is going to remember that THEY are the ones who had to do it and the next time something happens it's like, 'well it was me last time,' no matter who is right or wrong. Compromise doesn't work. I know for me, I don't have the long term memory to keep tallys on what I compromise on usually. Depends though. I know with Larry I compromised a lot emotionally. I took a lot of his shit. Now with the person I was talking to, I think I asked him to compromise a lot to fit my lifestyle. Funny thing. I guess the way we started he said he would do whatever and stick with me through whatever. I took that to mean, he was the one willing to compromise. I guess he did a lot of compromising but it wasn't enough. We think very differently about things and it just wasn't going to work out. I am going to just be alone. I had a vision of me alone in a nice house. While I can't imagine how I could ever get one, it's cool. It makes me want to cry. . . being alone, but it might be the best thing in the end. I can have a baby by myself. I can raise it by myself. I can make it by myself. Just because I am alone doesn't mean anything bad does it? Then why do I want to cry? Is it loss? I don't know. I hate everything about relationships. I was fine before. Sure I hurt but it wasn't on the surface. Now I just would like it to all go away. I wish it had never happened.

I hate love.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Finding A Medium

When I was a little girl, I used to play with Barbie Dolls. I'd make them get together, go out on dates, get married, have kids. My sexually abused little warped mind would even let them "make the baby" but it was interesting. I had no idea what it took to make a relationship work but I knew it involved all of that. These days, I think of relationships more in the Doomsday sense. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, eventually things are going to fall to pieces. A relationship is an amazing concept. You take 2 people who were slightly interested in each other. . . sometimes highly (for whatever reasons, intellect (bah!), sex appeal, security and what have you) and you throw them together and see what happens. It's almost like a high school chemistry experiment, I suppose that's where the whole chemistry thing comes from anyway. The problem is, every once in a while you'll hit, but you miss more often.

In my time I have been with a few guys. I don't have the extensive collection of exes like the girls from Sex in the City, but most of them I wouldn't even consider an ex. I was telling a friend about how any little thing can jepardize your relationship. The first boyfriend I ever had was a guy in the second grade. Oh I was inlove. . . well as inlove as an 8 year old can be. This little boy was the first to really break my heart (not counting abusive situations). But even as a second grader I knew, he was too good for me, too good in the sense that he was a stunning looking 8 year old and I was a round and awkward girl. Long story short, I caught him kissing another girl and I gave him a swift kick between the legs and ran off before he could hit me (second grade boys hit back).

My one question is, why was I mad. Sure you may say, well, he was cheating on you. But then, my question would be, how did I know he was cheating? My mother had never talked to me about only having one man in my life and me being his only woman. I mean I was a second grader, she wasn't supposed to. My mother wasn't married to my father so I knew that it was okay to do that (I hadn't learned the ins and outs of Christian living yet). How did I know that what he did to me was wrong? I would say it's instinctual. With humans, there is a instant jealousy that comes when something you thought was yours is suddenly being used by someone else, it is the law of Kindergarten playtime. Even at our smallest we are inherently evil creatures. All that aside, I find it interesting that at 8 years old, I instinctually knew that this guy was "fooling around" and that it was bad.

My future relationships would be no better. As I learned more about what real relationships looked like, my view was still jaded. After third grade, the only man I had at home was my Great Grandfather and I arrived to late on the planet to meet his wife, come to think of it, Papa, that's what we called him, was married twice! I often forget that fact. Anyway, my mother had separated from my stepfather, good riddance as far as I was concerned. He treated my mom horribly and my mother convinced us that he was cheating on her. . . at third grade, I knew for certain that cheating was wrong because I watched my mom cry about it. Was that a real realtionship? Filled with hurt and mistrust? So far as I knew.

Needless to say, the more you learn the more interesting your Barbie dramas become. Enter the love triangle. Barbie was dating Ken but now, the lovely Sasha comes on the scene dressed to impress. While Barbie is not home, Ken does the wild monkey dance with Sasha. This type of relationship became typical among my dolls. I didn't know it but I was training myself. If Ken loved Barbie, why would he do such things? Of course Ken always got back together with Barbie, but that was after a real violent drama sometimes ending with the death of Sasha at the hands of a seething (while still maintaining her smile) Barbie. Again training myself. Not only was I setting myself up to have a lack of trust when it came to men, I also was training myself to be needy. Barbie always went back to Ken. No matter how bad he treated her, she went back to him. I was training myself to say that a woman's worth is in her man. I didn't have many Kens so she always went back to the same one. Everytime.

While I do think that Barbie is the bane of a little girl's existence, don't take this as a shot at Mattel. No, this was play imitating life. Eventually play ended. Barbies were put away and not seen again, and real relationships began to arise. In junior high, I was inlove. Madly with two different guys. How does this happen? I don't know. I guess I was just keeping my options open. The second guy wasn't an interest until after the first guy graduated, but I still had the hots for the first guy anyway. . . if you follow me. Blaine was a white male with that sort of chain smoking aoura. He wore black most of the time and his skin was pale. For a black girl to be interested in anything that looked like that didn't line up with the circle of life, but alas, I was inlove. Blaine knew I existed but I think I was more like background for him. I tried to get him to notice me. The more he ignored me, the deeper I fell. I was obsessed with him by the end of it. I wasn't able to even get over him until the second guy came along and then this guy actually was black. I saw him in a different part of my life. I think mentally I don't even connect the two. They seem like two different times in my life but they weren't. This guy was also older and rode the bus with me. Having been sexually abused in the past, I let him take advantage of me. I think I only ever felt shame when I was with him, yet I let him do it. I wisened up to the fact that I was just a toy to him. He would never deal with me in public. He had his beautiful girls. But when he couldn't get anything from them he would throw himself on me sometimes violently all under the ignorant eyes of our bus driver, may she rest in peace.

So what I had learned up until this point is that, if a man is interested in you, you have to give him what he wants (which is usually sex) to stay interested, but eventually he will go to someone else anyway. From a seventh grader's perspective, this seemed logical. As I grew, went on to high school, there were more relationships like the one with Blaine. I loved them, they didn't notice me. My self image was worsened if that was possible, by the constant rejections. My attempts to connect with smart, nice guys was foiled at every turn. Obsessions were a constant thing, especially with Torrance, a very intelligent, very sweet, saxaphone player. Torrance stole my heart in high school and I obsessed over him for most of those years. Even when there were just as smart, just as nice guys actually wanting to be with me, I obsessed over someone who paid no attention to me. This was serious business and I'm sure I developed an ulcer or two over it. My junior year (he was a senior) I finally got up the nerve to ask him to the Band Dance (we both were in band - hey band was cool in the south!). He said yes! I was amazed, shocked and excited all at the same time. I was also amazed, shocked, and sad when he stood me up. Yet I didn't give up on this guy. Ironically, I even hesitate to call him a jerk now.

I kept up hope in situations where hopelessness was obvious, I ignored other good possibilities. I'm on a roll here with this. That wasn't the end of my high school career. During my obsession with Torrance, I did let my guard down because one special guy who was as cute as all get out (country talk here) was interested in me. By the time I was in high school I was obviously over weight, my hair was bad and my behavior was awkward, yet this very handsome guy was interested in me. He were together for a while and he actually cared for me! I stand in disbelief to this day. My low self-esteem wouldn't have it, I just knew like Barbie should have known, that there is some gorgeous girl waiting to take him from me. So, for fear of losing him, I let him go. I wasn't even sad about it. He was a great guy and I wasn't sad I lost him. He was too good for me and somehow, society had taught me that. Even my peers said it so it was obvious to everyone that someone this great looking was wrong for me. Though no one disagreed that Torrance and I should be together, even though he was cute, on the basis that we were both nerds.

After high school, a negative thing happened. I continued my obsessions over various people but it was less attachment. I moved out to California where it was much easier to be "in the world." I could walk up the street without and catch a bus to meet people. The internet made this much easier. So at 18, I began to live that way. Meet people on the net, and occasionally meet them in person. But a major negativity was the internet. Older guys loved the fact that I was 18. They wanted to call me up and talk dirty or 'cyber'. I won't focus too much on the internet except that it let shy girls like me crack out of their shells.

My first internet meeting was with a guy that was 33. At the time I was still 18 I think. Had to be. I talked to him on "The Palace," this cool virtual reality program. You could actually see the things in the room like the bed and the flashing hotel lights. It's actually kinda fun. I met him on there and he wanted to meet me. I caught a bus one night all dressed up in the best things I could find and I met him at a coffee shop. We were there for all of 10 minutes before he suggested we go down to Hollywood and hang out. I was 18, and I got into a car with a man I did not know who took me far away from my home. They wonder how these girls get chopped up and left on the side of the road. I was naieve. He took me down to near where they have that famous walk of fame. We parked. He had a truck with a camper over the back. He started kissing me and etc. Then he said the words I will never forget, "Let's just get this over with," and he urged me into a tight fit into the back of his truck. I was not sure about it but I let it happen. He was touching me and I told him I actually had my monthly visitor. He didn't care about that. He was touching me anyway. When I asked him at least did he have protection, he looked around his truck and found a candy wrapper. I have never thought I was worth so little. When I was like, "uh, no." He said, well at least you can do this. He lowered my head and I did the thing that I'd seen pictures of women doing but never thought it would be so gross. Afterwards we walked around and he bought me a key chain. I had just given him oral sex and he gave me a key chain. When he took me home he decided to take a detour. He pulled off on the side of the road and wanted it again. I did it all the while feeling disgusted and as he lay there in contentment I began to talk about how I wonder what my guardian angel was doing at the time. . . probably starring at me in anger or turning away in shame. I never saw him again. We talked on the phone and he told me his mother was a racist so it wouldn't work out. The bastard.

As if I hadn't done enough, I had my first long distance, long damaging relationship. When I went to college in Iowa, I started using UseNet groups. Just posting and saying 'hi'. I was looking for someone foreign and I met a German physics teacher. We wrote each other a few times and then he said something which made me want to bring him into my dirty little world. Mind you, he was using a language translator and barely spoke english. He said something about my letters "twanged erotically." I laugh at this now. So we started calling each other and having phone sex. Ah the joys. I didn't care that we were both running up such expensive phone bills. We were serious about each other. We talked about marriage. He bought me tickets to Germany. I never got to go because of issues getting a passport, but we were pretty damn serious. He was all I thought about. I was supposed to see him on my birthday but instead I settled for a call. He'd baked me a cake and everything. I was inlove.

I came back to California and finally got to meet him. We were together for almost 2 weeks before I managed to completely sabatoge the relationship. After almost a year of long distance, it took less that two weeks in person to ruin it. Why was that? He said I was too obsessed with sex! IRONY at it's finest. I spent 5 months in a deep depression, often speaking of suicide. I ask myself why. Because Barbie always went back to Ken. Without Ken what was she? Just another girl. I had lost my Ken. Ken was hope, Ken was rescue. Now I had to make it on my own and I didn't know how. When my step mom asked me about my future, all I could tell her was that I saw black, nothingness. I droned in everything I did. Finally everyone had an intervention with me to snap me out of it and I was better. I don't even know what I had lost. . .attention? Did this spawn from not having mail attention as a child?

How did I snap out of it? Did that really do it? People telling me to stop moping? Wow. Well I moved on, I got a good job that I loved. I carried on other non-significant relationships that were long distance. Infact I was looking for it! Why was I looking for someone far away? I couldn't answer that. I'll leave it up to the Freuds out there.

Still as I grew older, I saw relationships played out from friends and family. I saw the difficulty. I hardly ever saw the good. But for some reason I wanted it. I saw that a woman's worth increased tenfold if she had a man. I still beg the question, why is this? My whole nature, my whole existence was based on finding a man and starting a family even though most of those people I saw were unhappy. I bounced all over the place trying to find a man who would love me. I even had a thing for my best friend for a while. When I finally gave up hope, I landed on an old man who wanted to sell me vitamins. The skepticism in me shunned him for his age, but the lover in me was drawn to it.

When I see an older white male, for some reason he just exhudes stability and that is what I wanted in my life. Perhaps that's why marriage is so great, you get to be stable. Perhaps that is all anyone is ever looking for. I felt I had found it in a man that lived 400 miles away. This was closer than Germany so I thought I was doing good. He and I got into each other deeply and passionately. I couldn't see the instability in him because I was always wearing what he said was 'Rose Colored Glasses.' He didn't see the instability in himself. I read a great book during our relationship called "Things Fall Apart" by Dr. Chinua Achebe and while I should have understood this book in one way, I saw it as an answer for him. We were passionate and cold. It was a cycle. I was always passionate, but he went through his cycles. A few times I did things just to shake him up but like Barbie I always came back to him. I needed him to validate my existence. When he finally came crashing down with a life crisis, I thought my love for him would make us prevail. I couldn't see he was more unstable than even I had been. I fought for our relationship and eventually he asked me to marry him. We were two sides of the same coin. He asked me because it's what I wanted. From that day forward, I never saw him again. That was nearly a year ago. Long distance makes it easy to forget people. So forget about me he did. I called him constantly, I said hopeful things sometimes, I said mean things sometimes, anything I could do to get a response out of him. I reminded him of how much he liked sleeping with me, I reminded him of how exciting I made his life but still he was able to let me go. My life ceased to make sense. Who wants Barbie without Ken? What can she do for herself? Sure you can go out in the world and be successful but if you don't have love, what is it worth?

I saw success for myself a lost cause. I didn't need to be happy if I couldn't make someone else happy. And like the book said, things did fall apart. No matter how hard Okonkwo tried, his world came crashing down before him. He couldn't make himself change but the world continued to change and he became like a dinosaur, extinct, past his time. He couldn't change so he got left behind. Perhaps that is the key to success in this life. You have to change to fit your environment. Don't hate me Christians but Darwin was on to something. Survival of the fittest, if you don't have the right tools to survive, you will die.

The real question is what change is needed. That depends entirely on the situation. Decisions have to be made, self-worth has to be established. If you don't love yourself, you actually can love someone else, but you can't love them properly. In the end if you don't love yourself, you will begin to hate yourself. If you look at a pair of binary stars, they are both feeding off each other so one never gets weak while the other thrives. Whereas, if a star (me) is next to a blackhole, i.e. my ex, they suck everything you have and leave nothing behind. It's not his fault entirely, the fault was in my perception of things.

No one has to shut themselves off entirely like I did, but there is something to be said for having time to love yourself. A woman is worth something alone. Sometimes she can be worth even more but she'll be worth nothing if she loses herself in a relationship.

Here are some things a woman can do to find herself again:

Actually there is only one thing. . . SPEND TIME ALONE! Not even with friends because if you are the type I am, you want to say and do what pleases them. Go to a movie alone. Then you are forced to make the decision, which movie do 'I' actually want to see. Where do 'I' actually want to sit. Go driving alone! As yourself, where do 'I' want to go. Before you know it, you'll be able to actually ask yourself, "Which man do I actually want to be with?" Then you will find that you don't have to go through so many frogs to get a prince or you might find, you actually like your life and you don't need a prince because you're already a queen.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

DAMN The Sims 2

You know, I wrote the makers of the Sims about 3 years ago telling them all the stuff that would be bomb if they threw it in the Sims. Well. . . it's in there! I am not mad. Here is my problem. . .I am sitting here running on a sweet iBook G4, but there is no Sims 2 for my computer. Who knows if and when it will come out. We'll probably have to wait another year or TWO! By that time the Sims 2 for Windows will have 4 diffferent expansion packs on it. I am positive on this one. This is the way the world works. We Mac people have had enough! We are sick of being the last ones to get things. I say we create a competing company for the Sims. The technology can't be patented or anything. We could make. . . . The . . . The . . . mmm. . . coming up with a name is an important first step. I don't want to rush into it. I mean they even cornered the best name! Damn them! The Ems (for Emulator!) That would be hilarious. Someone should do that. I have no programming skill whatsoever so I'm out. Anyway, any people who want to steal that name just like the makers of the Sims took my idea without sending me the free copy I requested. Now they say that Alienware is the best system to play this game on. I would consider. . . if I was all too rich in getting an alienware system. Sorry Apple. . . these computers are tight!

Well anyway, so goes my year of misery because there is no Sims 2 for Mac. I can't even find that they are in developement on anything. I tell you what, if they don't come out with one, some heads are going to roll and we are bustin' out with the Ems! I AM PISSED OFFFFFFFFFFFF GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Originally uploaded by comzikbrown.
This is a Japanese advertisement from If you can't find the humor in it, you must have brain damage. This is hilarious. They you guys if you haven't figured it out already. . .if you click on these pictures you can make them bigger. I'd like to give a shout out to for making posting pics on your blog possible. This is badass! And it's free!

Fun Times for the Season

Originally uploaded by comzikbrown.
Well one of the great things about seasons is you can decorate. I figure, why not start with my own desktop? I am adding a photo of my current desktop. It's humongous if that's spelled right. But cool. I got my fall leaf icons on the right led by a cool haunted house harddrive I like to call "Mini Me". Then on the left I have my sushi icons. . . why sushi. . . they just look cooll and match. Who wouldn't love a California Roll right about now! Then there's the Meth Lab. If you can figure out what's in there well then . . . hack the planet! Oh and at the top I have my new cool Dock thingy. I call it Helm Control in true Star trek fashion!

The new dock is called 'DragThing' and it's just an unregistered copy. I am trying it out for 14 days! I wish it would let you see it maximized but it always hides itself when I try to take a picture. If I figure it out I will post another pic. I also have another cool feature with the DragThing. It let's you change your trash icon and put it on the desktop instead of the dock. I downloaded a toilet. It's cool. You can see it's brown because I have trash in there but if I empty it it will just be white again!

Don't forget Space Colony. It's pretty cool. If you have a Mac you should try it. I love the beauty of OSX If any of you want badass icons for your machines check out That is where I got the sushi, the methlab, and the harddrive icons. I forget the name of the place where I got the leaves. Catch yall bastards later.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Whatever Happened?

I get so frustrated with people and their hopes and dreams. . .especially when they are like me and haven't done anything with them. I would never think I could get rich within a year. I mean it happens to people as often as people become basketball players. Out of the percentage of people that try, there are so many that fail. It's funny to hear people talking about things and I just think to myself. . . they are never going to do anything with that opprotunity. I was talking to my friend Von today saying that I feel in general I am quite a bit of wasted talent. I have a lot of gifts but no ability to use them.

(This frickin' border's application is not working for me) I figure I should work retail forever. It is where I am happy. I don't expect to ever own a house or anything like that. I used to have those dreams but after reality set in, it's such a 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' situation. People who grew up with their parents never leading them the right way have the least chance of success in those areas. Sure anyone can make things happen if they have the right tools. I just figure there are so many of us that don't have them. It frustrates me to hear others talking about what they plan to do. It always seems so ridiculous. I think to myself, I will fall out and die if you actually do those things. This is one of my frustrations with young men, especially men of my own race. I have yet to meet one that does what he says he is going to do. That is soooo frustrating. I feel like I can't take these guys seriously. Perhaps one. I can think of one. That is a small percentage of the ones I actually know. If I think of some others I will let you guys know.

I am being negative right now but it pisses me off when I hear someone say they are going to go get a record deal or they are going to start acting but never really do much about it. Granted, I see some people doing those things but I guess the people I'm thinking about are still just hoping something will land in their lap. I am the same way but at least I know I don't have anything going for me and I admit it.



Well I was trying to be a lasy bastard but my friend Von insisted that I post something. I have a headache right about now. My desktop is looking in cool fall form . . . all except for the sushi. But it matches. I love changing up my desktop! But then I get obsessed with it. . .changing everything constantly. I even downloaded some screensavers and all of them left much to be desired. I will use the lightening bug one. It's cute sorta. Get sick of the background sounds though. I don't know what the hell Von is watching. He is always watching boring shit. Anyway, I guess I had better find something to eat. I got a cool toast and jam icon so I might eat that :) Now Von is watching BET! HOW TYPICAL!!!!!!!!


Sunday, September 19, 2004

In Love With Fall: Call Me Ishmael. . .I mean Crazy

The feeling you get when you feel you've met the one. . . that tiny giddiness in the middle of your chest. . . that little smile you get at the thought of them. . . the tingle of excitement, I get those feelings during this time of year. Yes ladies and gentlemen. . . I have those actual feelings for this season! I think it brought me right out of my depression. The day today was a classic beginning of fall day, I wore my long sleeve Michael Collins shirt to work and I didn't have to sweat to wear it! The overcast sky, the leaves on the trees, the cool but not freezing weather, the way all the sounds seem to be much louder and rich. . . I love all of these things! There is no better season in which to listen to jazz. I am listening to Nina Simone right now and I'll tell you her slow stuff is heaven during this time. Light some candles, put on that jazz, lie in bed, watch a movie or two. . . nothing is better than fall! Just had to rant about it right now! :) Now I need to see if I can find my disc one to my Nina Simone Anthology. That one has some great stuff on it!


Saturday, September 18, 2004

Snap The Fuck Out of It!

After recieving an email from a friend telling me that I was on a pity party that has gone on long enough I decided to try and snap out of it. I guess this is an impossible task for someone like me but I am going to try. Okay hold on. . . *SNAP* Did it work? I don't feel any different. Oh well, I tried. In the spirit of change, I will put up this great poem. It's called 'Be Strong' This is for you Sergio. . . even if I can't be. . . you can!

Be Strong
By: Maltbie Davenport Babcock

Be strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do, and loads to lift;
Shun not the struggle-face it; 'tis God's gift.

Be strong!
Say not, "The days are evil. Who's to blame?"
And fold the hands and acquiesce--oh shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely, in God's name.

Be strong!
It matters not how deep intrenched the wrong,
How hard the battle goes, the day how long;
Faint not--fight on! To-morrow comes the song.

So to all of you out there who are failing at being strong, I command you to do it henceforth!

I have decided to list some short term goals. Maybe this will help me BE STRONG:

So. . . henceforth. . .
I resolve to file my taxes on time!
I resolve to find an additional job!
I resolve to study spanish because everyone knows it's the most important language!
I resolve to say encouraging things to friends in trouble!
I resolve to limit my sexual activity to only good looking guys!
(That's all I can do for now)
I resolve to finish school within 3 years! (gives me some time)
I resolve to marry a man that cares about me!
I resolve to follow my diet!
I resolve to be at my goal weight by the time I finish school! (again. . . some time)
I resolve to not always be driving a used car!
I resolve to change any of these at will and not feel guilty!

Some of those are vague on purpose. I might have some other resolution later. Peace.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

A Story

It was gone now; nothing was left. How long had it been? She didn’t know. She didn’t want to think about time. The time she had wasted in this place was killing her. But there was nothing there any longer. She sat there, hands cradling her face, tears streaming down. Where had it gone?

In the beginning she tried to find it. Perhaps it was all a joke. It was just hiding. She knew that she would turn the corner and she would find it. It seemed simple as that. There was a trick and she would turn the corner, just right around the corner, and it would be there. “Stop hiding, silly!” she called out. But there came no response. How long did she look? It must have been days but it seemed like months, perhaps even years. “Where are you?” she would call sometimes thinking it might come back.

As the days grew longer and it seemed that it would never return, she began to wonder what she did to make it go away. “Tell me what I did?” sometimes she would say to nothing or no one in general. She cried often. She would sit there in a lonely corner and cry until she felt the pain overwhelm her. Sometimes she would cry herself to sleep sitting there.
The pain she felt in her chest, it wasn’t really pain, but it was something that felt like a pain she despised, wouldn’t go away. Every time she thought about what she’d lost, she felt it. All she wanted was for it to come back. But she began to realize that it was gone forever. As she thought about this, she became cold.

“It left me, didn’t it? Didn’t care about me, did it? Doesn’t matter, does it?” She would mutter having fits of bitterness. She began to lose herself. Though she stopped asking where it was, secretly she wondered. Soon she stopped wondering as well. Her face became hard and cold. Her heart became like black coal, hard and small. She no longer cared. She no longer cared.

When others would come to her, she could not forgive the hurt and she told herself they would hurt her too. They would leave her if she gave her heart. So they came, and because she feared they would leave, they did. She ended up in a corner crying because she was lonely and crying because she could let no one in. There she would come to her end, alone.

My AOL Profile

For some reason I felt like putting it up here: (I love the personal quote part. That was an actual conversation LOL)

Name: Blank
Location: California
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single, have ex fiance now :(
Hobbies & Interests: Soccer, Astronomy, Collecting "Peanuts" stuff, Reading, Musing, Lord of the Rings, ballet, belly dancing, creating, writing, drawing, watching the Simpsons
Favorite Gadgets: PC and Mac, got an iPod mini - f'king silver is the only one anyone has (at least that's what the guy at Target said)
Occupation: Quit teaching at a place that is run by a very bitter and controling person. Now I work at the Apple Store! It's Great!!!!!!!
Personal Quote: Me: I am taking a bite out of all the candies in this box and putting the other half back
*Friend*: you are spoiled and charming at the same time
Hometown HomePage: blank

Fall: Sadness, Harry Potter, and Music

I love this song "Magical Love" by Bent. Although I hate the concept of 'Magical Love' I love the music. It's pretty cool. . . laid back etc.

I think it must be fall that's got me down. While I love the season. . . I am starting to think I love it because it's a painful time! Perhaps I like being depressed. It is probably comfortable. I think so. At least I can light candles now without my room burning up (temperture wise).

One of my favorite fall things is Harry Potter. It reminds me of the whole 'Halloween' mind set. I think it's funny that many Christians hate Halloween when it was based on a Christian Holiday. But whatever. The weather is amazing. It just changed. I think it might be because of that hurricane. I saw on the news last night this poor news castor hanging on for dear life to report it. I thought that was pretty damn stupid. Anyway, Harry Potter is one of those cult things that I have gotten into. I remember when I first started reading the books. My roommate had recommended them to me but I was afraid I would read it and hate it so I never wanted to start. I just didn't want to hate them (sort of like those Magical Eye pictures. You don't want to be the only one that can't see it). So I waited and waited. I think the movie release prompted me to go and try it. So one night I walked to her room and said, "I think. . . I'm ready." It was a very funny situation. Anyway, I got into Harry Potter. . . couldn't put the books down. . . loved the movies, got the posters and all of the little extras. I wished I was a kid again. Actually I wished I was a witch haha. The thought of drinking Butterbeer in Hogsmead, the thought of the Forbidden Forrest. Harry Potter is a great fall thing.

I think also that my type of Music changes. I have been listening to more slow and peaceful things. I find a lot of classical music in my bedtime playlists. I love it. Listening to some Chopin or Debussy. . .it's great during this time. I hope this weather stays though. I'd hate for it to go back to being hot. I have playing right now "Reflection" from Mulan. I was laughing about that song last night. It says: When will my reflection show who I am inside? I think if my reflection showed who I am inside. . . I'd be even uglier :( Oh well. So here is my new Fall CD playlist:

Magical Love by Bent
Magical Love by Bent (yes I am the type to put the song on the CD twice haha)
Satie 1 by Endorphin
Fast Love by George Michael
Reflection by Lea Salonga
Sambara by Habib Koite and Bamada
Love on a Real Train by Tangerine Dream
You and Me by The Cranberries
Run by Snow Patrol (a free download from iTunes)
Still Do by The Cranberries
Perfect by Smashing Pumpkins
This Love by Craig Armstrong
Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinead O'Conner
Batoumambe by Habib Koite and Bamada
Realove by Musiq
Landslide by Smashing Pumpkins
U Lied by Crea
Me, Myself, and I by Beyonce

If you can read anything into that. . . all these songs whether they are happy tunes or not have a depressing sound. I am truly depressed in a powerful way. I don't think I'll ever get over it :( But of course that's how you feel when you're depressed.

Two Songs and My Life

by The Cranberries

Something has left my life,
And I don't know where it went to, ah, ha, ha.
Somebody caused me strife,
And it's not what I was seeking.

Didn't you see me, didn't you hear me?
Didn't you see me standing there, ah, ha, ha?
Why did you turn out the lights?
Did you know that I was sleeping?

Say a prayer for me,
Help me to feel the strenght, I did.
My identity, has it been taken?
Is my heart breakin' on me?

All my plans fell thought my hands,
They fell thought my hands on me.
All my dreams it suddenly seems,
It suddenly seems,


by Musiq

I know this girl from way back
Some time ago
Fine as the autumn sun
With a heart of gold yeah
One day we talked about some
Men in her past
Cause I was just tryin to understand

Why it's always like she always tried to hide
What it is she feels or what's on her mind
When it comes to love
She gets so afraid that someone will come
And hurt her again someday


All her life she never had
Someone to show her what it means
To have or be in Realove

She never had a man
Who was kind to her
Never told her I love you
Without gettin hurt no
Some people say she's bitter
Some think she's scared
Some people say she thinks nobody cares

Now she walks around
And protects her heart
Never look for love
Lives behind a wall
Tell it to herself
All men are the same
Cause that's how it is
And that is such a shame



Why the songs?

Is it just me? Men don't seem to understand what kind of hole I have in my life right now. People always want you to start committing to them. No one wants to give you time. It's all black and white. It's funny. . .Someone once said that about me.

I was thinking today about what's gotten into me. The things that have happened in my life have shaped me in a way that honestly I wanted, but really, I can't turn off. The damage I've had done to me. . . and the damage I've caused myself don't allow it. I hardly even try to hide the scar on my arm anymore. There's no use. It is just a reflection of the scar on my spirit.

I would love to have a loving relationship. I would love to trust someone. I just can't. I try so hard but I can't even make myself! I can't even make myself love someone the way they want to be loved. I have hardly anything to give. The more I try, the more it hurts. I let people in and they pull away from me. They make me feel bad because I can't do it. I want to scream to make them understand but they can't.

I am still hurt over what Larry did to me. I admit it. It's not like I want him back. I don't think I could ever go back. But what do I do? I am soooo incredibly hurt! :*( I don't know what on this Earth can heal me. I have called on God, other people, myself, but nothing seems to help. Nothing seems to make me feel. I can't feel anything but the pain of loss. All I know is I can't do it again. If I get hurt again, I will get up the nerve to kill myself. I am so pathetically weak. I hate myself for it.


I have felt this way for some time. No love to speak of. The little that I do have is easily stomped out by doubt and frustrations. I don't know if it's even worth the effort. I am trying but I ask myself why bother. The more I try, the more I seem to get hurt. I don't do much with feeling. These days the greatest joy I get is from selling computers. I sold 5 today! That's more than I've ever sold! No fucking AppleCare on 4 of them though :( (I sold 2 G5 iMacs, 1 15in Powerbook, and 2 iBooks) That sucked. Anyway, My job makes me happy. Then I come home and I am hurting again. I hate Larry. How could he do this to me. That old bastard of a man. He just took EVERYTHING I had for himself and then left me. But it's not entirely his fault. I did let him into my life like a stupid fool.


There is no reason on this Earth that I can see that would make being inlove not a fearful painful thing. I drive people away without even trying these days. All I ever wanted was for someone to love and care about me. I thought I had it but I didn't. Now when the opprotunity for me to have it presents itself. . . I can't think of anything but running. I don't know if I will ever be inlove again. I care about people but my fear of losing the person over takes any actual enjoyment I could derive from the relationship. So ultimately. . . I've been left a ruined woman. Heartbroken and miserable. That's just it. He broke me. I was like a carefree mare. Always running here and there to find love and cling to it. But he conquered me and broke me. And the person I knew as myself was no more. I hate myself.

I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself. Oh well. . . just one more person to hate me. Anyone else want to join the club?

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I slept til 11:00am today!!!!! That is insane. The sad thing is I'm still tired. I don't even know what time it was when I went to bed last night! Geez. I had planned to play some Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban today at least. Now I have 4 hours before I go to work so I could still do it. Actually 3 and a half. But that seems like such a short time to me for some reason :( I hate that!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Anybody got $100?

I gotta find a doctor this morning to get a prescription refill. It's going to cost me an arm and a leg because I don't have insurance right now and people around here think I have so much money! Whatever! The doc is going to be 60 bucks plus probably another 40 for the prescription. This is a pain in the ass. If there was ever any argument to not be unhealthy. . . it's money! I think I should become a prostitute. I'd make some money like that. In Vegas I heard these women. . . and they weren't even that hot making like $200Gs a year! Damn. . . .that shit is easy! I am kidding of course.

Anyway, money is tight. I need a job. I am a talented artist but no one would hire me just because I have no formal training. I am trying to get a customer service job but I haven't found anything yet :( I hope that Pasadena Ford thing comes through. The guy sounded really positive but I haven't had a call back. I should call them to see what's up but then I don't want to sound pushy. Someone said to me yesterday . . . you think way too much! I guess I do.

When you swear you'll never love again. . . people start coming out of the wood work! I hate that. I feel like I have a ton of people trying to talk to me and all I want to do is run away. I am not that great of a girl! What is wrong with you people??!!?!?

I am listening to Chopin's Nocturne in C minor. . . it's beautiful. . . wait now it's Le Printemp's Largo by Vivaldi. If I could name the composers I love the most those would be two of them. Tchaikovsky would be one of the greatest as well. For some reason though I think that these musicians were more like the pop artists of their time hehe. At least Vivaldi. I mean come on. . . if you were doing one of those old style dances. . . it would be perfect. I could see all the young hip cats talking about Vivaldi's latest album LOL. I love those more than most. I think it's because every song has character and I can remember it like a vocal song. All the pieces I can remember. Where as, when I sit down to listen to Mozart it all sounds the same. Then the adults would say . . . you young'uns don't understand the beauty of this piece and we would say, "Oh fuck off old hag!" But only if I lived back then :) Those must have been simpler times I think. Not for us black folks but of course who ever romanticizes being a slave. Not me. I mean if I was one of the ladies in the big poofy dresses.

I had better get ready to go see la doctora. Hopefully it's a la doctora and not an el doctor.

Monday, September 13, 2004

The Evil Eye

Originally uploaded by comzikbrown.
Yes. . . I have one. I look in the mirror and maybe it's just me but one of my eyes seems more evil than the other. Life sucks. Why do you have to be good? I just want to do evil sometimes. Lately. . . all the time. I hate it. I am not trying to do things on purpose but they jump right the fuck in my path and I can't turn away from them. "Evil! EEEEvil!" said Mermaid Man. I think I must be cursed :( I am importing some German choir music onto iTunes to see if that will lighten me up haha. Yeah. . .This one. . . it's a Passion CD. One of those old ones. . . by Bach. I love this one song called "Herr Unser Herrscher". There is such power and magesty about that song. I have no clue what the hell they are saying but it sounds beautiful. Of course I am also importing a thousand and one Cranberry songs. Just to fit my depression right now. My name is Mud! I hope these CDs copy. I got this German one from when I was seeing that German guy from Germany. Longest internet/phone relationship ever that ended in disaster upon our meeting. I think he thought I had too many issues :) Fuck you Micha! Anyway, I do have too many issues. I have Vivaldi's Four Seasons. I love that one too. I think I will import it next. I love the winter ones. The spring ones are great too it's just that I'm not in a fucking springy mood today! I could put in some Mississippi John Hurt on there but I would just feel TOO country.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Rock Solid

A broken heart is the quickest way to get over relationships. A truly deep love ending will turn your heart into a rock solid piece of stone. It doesn't have to be a romantic love either. I've built up such a protective wall that I don't even know how to let it down. I mean it's a sturdy one too. Great guys have tried. It's not even that I expect that they will hurt me. I feel more sure of them than myself. I think I will do something consciously or subconsiously to ruin it. In theory it would mean that I could never been in a good relationship again. So far as I've been going. . . I haven't wanted to be in a relationship. It's funny. I was always on the other side of the spectrum: "When will I see you again? So are we a 'couple' now?" But now when people say those things to me. . . I shy away. I tell them I'm 'damaged goods.' It's my new favorite name for myself. When I meet a guy I am only interested in a sexual relationship and truthfully I am more comfortable with one night stands. My ex would probably die. . . as many AIDS tests as he made me take. Damaged goods. How appropriate.

At the store sometimes we get things returned that are DOA. The customer is always pissed off that it didn't work. They want something back in return. Sometimes they want the same item. Sometimes they just want back what they put into it. I think sometimes hurt in relationships is like that. When your relationship ends you want something back. Mainly you want them back, but after that settles (or if you are smart this happens instantly) you want back all the stuff you put into the relationship.

Linkin' Park is a comfort these days. They know how to put what you were feeling into words. They are about the only group where I've heard them sing every song and think . . .damn. . . that's me. But Realove by Musiq is my anthem. After listening to that over and over again. . . it's toughened my resolve but made it damn hard for any guy who is interested in being with me (why would they be interested anyway). I am learning that keeping that wall up is just as painful as trying to let it down.

It's HARD to let your guard down after you've been hurt. For me it feels like an impossible task. I don't even know how to trust someone. I came close to doing it. My ex told me "I want to be someone you can trust," last I heard he was trying to get back with his old girlfriend. It feels like a stab in my chest when I think of it. Oh well. . . what can you do?

Do you let the best thing that could possibly happen to you slip through your fingers? Or do you go for it? I can never say 'yes'. I step around it with 'maybes' or ackward laughs. It's happening. . . FUCK YOU LARRY EUGENE IMMER! Never trust a fucker with that middle name anyway. What was I thinking?? Anyway. . . sorry that was a little venting.

My heart is broken. I want God to repair it without me having to find someone else. Is that the only way? Geez. I think if any decent man offered me this: I would be forced to say yes ;) Just kidding. But that is my ring that I want eventually! 3000 dollars though would buy a top of the line G5 tower!

Love. . . it makes me sick. . . literally. I feel like I want to throw up.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

From Luthien and Beren to Isaac and Rebecca Part 1

What kind of man would give up everything for a woman? I could honestly say that all the men I've dated in the past are nothing like this. Most of you probably know the story of Isaac and Rebecca so first I will tell you a little about Luthien and Beren.

If you are not a Tolkien fan after seeing the LOTR (Lord of the Rings) triology. . . WHY THE HELL NOT??? Aside from the good book. . . it may be the best piece of literature on the planet. Some would beg to differ, but those people are idiots! (If you are one of those people, please email me to find out if those meds you're taking are strong enough). Anyway, This is the greatest love story ever! Sorry Ike and Becky. Luthien was an elf (please stifle your laughter). She was beautiful. She would dance in the fields every evening (or was it morning?) Yo no se. Anyway, Beren was a human. In this time elves and humans didn't mix . . . the tragic Romeo and Juliet deal. Well Beren stumbled upon the beautiful Luthien but he never had the nerve to talk to her. Well eventually they met.

[But wandering in the summer in the woods of Neldoreth [Beren] came upon Lúthien,
daughter of Thingol and Melian, at a time of evening under moonrise,
as she danced upon the unfading grass in the glades beside Esgalduin.
Then all memory of his pain departed from him, and he fell into an enchantment;
for Lúthien was the most beautiful of all the children of Ilúvatar.]

Beren, as was the right way of men, wanted to marry Luthien. In going to her father the Elf king, Thingol, he asked for Luthien. Thingol thinking this to be insolence immediately hated Beren because he was a mortal. Anyway, Thingol sends Beren on an impossible journey to recover a silmaril from the crown of the demon Sauron. You can read about it more here:

At first I had written out the whole thing but Tolkien is so complicated I couldn't remember the proper details. Anyway, Beren gave his hand for Luthien and eventually his life. But Luthien pleaded for his return and upon promising her mortality (because elves were immortal) he was returned to life. They lived together as man and wife in human form. Eventually they both died. It's the greatest tale in the Silmarilian. If you don't believe me. . . that is because you haven't read it!

Anyway. . .I started thinking about true love. I don't even know if I can be sure of what that means. I know what true love is not though. Sometimes I worry that I am never going to be able to have true love myself because I can't give it. It doesn't matter that a person love you with all their heart and soul if you never know how to accept it. So my question to everyone is. . . how does one except true love? Let down your guard? How do you do that? I don't know. Anyway. . . Beren's love for Luthien was selfless. He was willing to die for it. Oddly enough it wasn't 'having her' that he was dying for, it was proving to everyone that he was good enough to take care of her. I am taking a guess at that.

What is it with men and their need to prove themselves? It's almost like their ability to love is based on their ability to provide. And even until death Beren was going to provide for Luthien. What was he providing for her? I think it was confidence. She might not have him which I think she was terribly upset about, but she would know that he loved her eternally.

After talking to friends I think that it's so amazing that men would rather leave a woman because he loves her while all she ever wants is to be with him. Why is that?

Friday, September 10, 2004

The Public Library is Bad Ass!

Well here I am at the main branch public library using the frickin' internet for FREE! It's cool. No chat that I can discover yet but it's pretty awesome to be online. That's more than I hoped for. I was searching around for free internet and here it is baby! I am trying to connect to AOL but I don't think it has any allowances for that. I can still get my blog on though. I don't know your email address from memory though Serg so if you are checking this. . . here is your answer. . . yes on the internet. . . no on the chat. I tried iChat and AOL. I think it's only web based or some shit like that. Some girl just got up from sitting next to me. PEOPLE! I guess my typing was disturbing her. Oh well. Anyway. . . this is cool. I am starving though and in the interest of not breaking the library rules . . . I am going to go search for a place that doesn't have the sign: No food or drink. . . well actually this table doesn't have it. I can try it out and see what someone says. The other guy that was sitting here just got up too! I just took a shower. . .WTF!!! I am thinking you can only sit out here and be on the net though. It says wireless zone! This is sooo cool. Bummed about the chat though :(



Originally uploaded by comzikbrown.
Why the sappy title? I don't know. Perhaps it's because I like the abuse of relationships. That's ultimately the kind I run into. . . abusive. But I think it's sort of funny. There is this song by Silverchair called "Abuse Me." The lyrics go something like this:

Come on, abuse me more, I like it
Come on, keep talking cause it's true

I think of that song a lot these days. It's sort of a rebellion against other people's craziness. I like it because it basically says give me everything you got. . . I can take it. Whoa! That's a lot.

A few months ago I wasn't so sure of that statement. I sat in my room thinking no one really cared. I wanted to kill myself but I have always been more afraid of death than of life. That's a bold Christian statement. Admitting you're afraid of death is admitting to your lack of faith I suppose. But I was afraid, yet I wanted to do it. I had broken up with my ex and I swear my life revolved around him. When he broke our connection. . .I though my life couldn't go on. Love is not anything to play with. Instead of killing myself I foolishly carved his initials into my arm. Not tiny but huge. It's funny. . . at the time I kept running the knife over it to make sure it was actually there. I thought for some odd reason if I showed him how much I loved him, he would stay. But like all things in life. . . there is nothing you can do to make them stay. You just have to live with all this uncertainty. Anyway. . .now I have this scar. It's huge and I have to answer to everyone about it. I spent my last few months of teaching trying to hide it. My kids discovered it though and they aren't dumb. I told them I just got injured. They said but how could it get into letters like that. That's weird. I think some of them picked up on it :( I felt bad about that and tried to wear long sleeves. Now I work at the store and I don't care. My brokenness and misfit style fit right into the store culture. I really feel accepted there.

Anyway, I was just thinking about love. David says in Psalms 63 that basically God is his dearest love. I ask myself why can't I see God as my dearest love like that? I think about verse 8 where it says 'My soul clings to you. . .' That is such a powerful statement. I looked at my relationship with my ex like that. My soul truly was clinging to him and in that, my soul is what was injured. What does it mean to injure your soul? Wow. To be heart broken sounds much less painful. But your soul. . . that is the eternal piece of you that gets imprinted deeper than anything else. I don't need God to fix my broken heart, I need him to fix my broken soul. It's amazing. In verse 6 of that same Psalm, it says 'On my bed I remember you.' I think of how terrible it is that the one thing that could hold me together was the last thing I was thinking about then.

David also talks about his soul being satisfied. Wow. (Don't mean to sound silly but. . .) It's amazing. God can give you these feelings that no man (or woman for you men) could ever give you. My only question is. . . How do I get it?

I talked to my dear brother on the phone and we talked about how to get God's love and grace. If you ask for it, he said, you've already recieved it. My brother, 2 years my younger, 50 years wiser. He explained things to me in a way that I've never thought about: (I'm paraphrasing so if you are reading this bro. . . I tried to get it right)

How long have you been feeding your flesh? Years and years. How long have you been feeding your spirit? Not that long. We expect that God can do anything but the spirit within us is week. It needs to be feed. But until you start feeding your spirit more. . . it will be weak. The flesh is still strong and you have to starve it.

All I can say about that is. . . IT SUCKS! Why? Because that means. . .in order to start feeling that true presence of God, you gotta stop doing the things that distance you from him. If that's not an impossible feat I don't know what is. But. . . one thing I can say is. . . God is all powerful. And while the faithless, unfaithful buckeet of sin I am is struggling to continue it's miserable life. . .there is that spirit in me that knows there is something better out there. It's just a matter of accepting it!

Here is your little taste of my artistic ability. Sometimes I may post risque things just to trip you up! But not this time!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Oh and a Confession

Well I confess to being a bitch too! Here is one more post because I felt guilty. My dear friend is a guy. That's already one strike against him on my list! (A woman scorned!) But he's done nothing but love me. I know that it's tough for me these days to accept anything from a man friendship or otherwise. I confess to being a bitch to my friend the Bionicle :) I purposefully picked a fight with him because I was upset. That's no way to go. So to you dear Serg. . . I'm sorry. That's a public apology. You can show it to everyone!

I am tired of being sappy now. I gotta say something hard! Fuck everybody! Sorry. . . I meant it.

The Dirt

Well I emailed Blogger to see what the heck was up with the slow transmiting but as you can see they fixed it. It's cool. I love when people get right back to you on stuff! It's great.

I guess I can tell you a little bit about myself. I work, I sleep, I eat (sometimes too much), I draw, I write (mostly fictional - any publishers wanna give a girl a break?!?!?), I play games (also too much). I am a normal 26 year old weirdo (if that's a contradiction).

I used to be a youth worker, then teacher at a center/school called HC. This organization had a great vision. Now I think it's completely lost. People are currently upset with having things done their way as apposed to having things done right. The love of the place has completely left. I think it left with the old director. But that's another story. Harambee . . . let's get together and push is the meaning. I think it's completely forgotten now. Let's get together and push. Not, let's all get together and I will tell YOU guys how to push. That's the way things seem to be. This has become a place where, when people who are high up in administration do things to hurt people the official statement is: They're human. But when you do something you are an outcast and labeled rebellious against God.

Let's get together and push. It's amazing how people could be so blind. You could tell them about all the things they've done, admit to your own mistakes and they would never see. As I think about what things should be like I realize that I don't have a definite answer either. But I think that's how it should be. When people get caught up in a plan all their efforts go towards seeing that the plan is carried out instead of seeing that this plan is actually helping people.

While I may seem to be pointing the finger at a lot of people, I am going to be honest, I have no good reputation to speak of. Part of my reason for considering leaving my job was because I was in a sexual relationship with my ex. There ya go, I said it. And while I wanted to do right . . . it just seemed to be something I couldn't stop doing. I realize now that I suffer from a sexual addiction. That. . . I confess to. I have many sexual related problems. It's hard to get rid of and now it's out there for the world to see. It's my crack I suppose. I feel bad for the people with these drug addictions. They are more instantly noticed so they get more heat. . . where as people like me can live undercover for many years. I am not the only one around here that struggles with it. But I am willing to confess it. I truly believe that I might never let go of that problem. It has been in me since I was a kid but who knows. The Lord is all powerful. I was just hoping to get married and hope that that would make my addiction at least legal. . . but that brings forth a problem of loving relationships verses sexual relationships. This is a tough area. I am learning the difference between sex and love in the way that most people would say was aweful but that's for another blog. I can't tell you all my faults in one swallow.

All this is just to say. . . I put my cards out there on the table. It's embarrassing. And truthfully on the internet it's easier to do than in person. But there it is none the less. I am not bullshitting anyone. The problem is. . . No one else wants to fess up to their evils. They want to dwarf over you and be your leader. Whatever happened to getting together and pushing? We are no longer getting together. Three people are getting together. . . led by one person in particular and that person is making the decisions. WE are not getting together. Granted. . . I no longer want to get together. I will just focus on creating another world where everyone is accepted as contributers not laborers.

Well here is me in a nutshell. "Help! I'm in a nutshell!" ::knocks from inside of shell screaming::

Take care you guys.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Welcome to My Demented World

Well. . . I have always tried to write blogs but now I am like who cares. If someone reads it great. . . if not oh well. I'm bored with the traditional. . . let me tell you about my life or my horrible life blogs. Of course this one is no better. I found in my time working in ministry at the HC to be a mixed blessing ultimately ending in a curse. I thought to myself, why go on letting the world believe that this organization was run by loving caring people. Now sure, they do care. . . as long as you do their bidding. That is what I like to refer to has Darth Leadership. If you are not a Star Wars fan, why the hell not. After working most of my life and practically all of my adult life at Harambee I am shunned. But that's okay. I'm shunning back. 2 can play at these childish games. If you are wondering why I am so bitter. . . try working somewhere for 13 years (yeah since the age of 13. . . I'm 26 now) and having the ultimately treat you like a lame at the end of it all. But it's okay. Christians fit that great song. I forget the singer but one of you may know:

All of God's people
They look from the outside in.
You know them too well,
But do you mirror their nightmares.

So why 13:2? I refer you to Corinthians 13:2. Essentially: If I have not love, I am nothing! Those people out there who don't have love in their hearts. . . well I guess we can derive what that means. Call me bitter. Sure I am. You would be too. But for all it's worth. . . I am aiming my bitterness towards a purpose!

Oh yes! I hope to be their nightmare! Buwaaahahahaha! Just kidding. I think about that song a lot. Jesus was a person of love. Not of authoritative rule. But he doesn't even apply here I guess because he was an absolute good. So even if he was authoritative with his people, he would have been right. It's another thing to be authoritative and be as wrong as hell! This is the site where I want to tell it like it is. If you are down with that, contact me so I can link you up to this site. I want this to be a place where we truly are free to say what we want. I want to be a different kind of Christian. I hereby declare a Christian Strike! From this day forward I am going on strike against those assholes that would be 'Leaders'. Those people who say God spoke to them but all they can seem to do is hurt people! Day one of the 13:2 Strike Begins!

(Why is blogger so slow? Is it an attempt to force you to upgrade?? Geez!)