Tryin' to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. . .


Saturday, November 27, 2004

More News from the Frontlines

Sorry about posting more than one entry at a time. I don't sign online that much because the DSL here is only in one room for now. The other computer is broken and I haven't bothered to ask where the connection is. Anyway, I also have a headache (I have them constantly these days) so I am being a little lazy. Here ya go:

10:56am (Fri)

I am going to try to put together a nice resumé today and then I think I am going to go to the doctor. Jack insisted because of the headaches. We got into a fight yesterday but it all turned out good. I am addicted to this game called 'Animal Crossing.' It's cute and it's pretty damn boring but I have become obsessed with 'making the town better.' You are this character that lands in a new town with only 1000 bells (like money) and has to find a house. Someone lets you have a house for something like 17,000 bells and you just have to pay it off. Well I got that part done, got my house remodeled so now I have more room. But they didn't tell me how much it would cost so I was starring down the face of a 148,000 bell debt. This pissed me off. It was a trick from the start. Anyway, I have been working to get a nicer house. The difficult thing about this game is it operates in real time. Essentially, your character is sleeping when you sleep. But I discovered you could fool around with the clock. A nasty result happens though, weeds grow everywhere. But then I pulled up every single weed in the town (you can see this would be dull but for a slightly OCD person like myself, I had to do it. It took a little more than an hour! I played that game practically all day yesterday. Me, Kaleb, and Jack played GTA: San Andreas last night. I was trying to get them to beat some missions but they just wanted to go around killing cops.

I learned a new term this week. It's called, 'horse trading.' You can't imagine how different people are around here. It's like being in a foreign country without the beautiful scenic tours. Horse trading is trading weapons, whether it be for money or for other weapons. This is something that 'red-neck' Jack does. At first it concerned me (I knew about it months ago. . . and worse) but I saw him making a deal with someone and it was so interesting. Granted that stuff is dangerous but I am like. . . whatever at this point. My headaches have been getting worse and worse. Medicine doesn't help. It's frustrating. Whatever side I'm laying on, that is the side that gets the headache. . . usually in the back or front of my head. Pain shoots up from my neck and just gradually increases until it's throbbing and I can actually feel my head throbbing. My head gets hot and I can't even move. I've never had headaches like these. At first I thought maybe I wasn't getting enough water, that wasn't it. Then I thought maybe it was my eating. . . that wasn't it.

Now, you maybe think that I am something of a messy person and in truth I am. But would you believe I am the neatest person around here??? Red-neck doesn't even begin to describe. Jack always calls me a redneck. I have spent the time when I wasn't playing games cleaning up. It's funny. At first I kinda felt weird about cleaning up but I faced the reality that I would only take showers every other day if the bathroom wasn't cleaned. Molly is sick, Kaleb is a typical kid, Jack refuses to do things most of the time because he is mad at everyone which is something we were fighting about yesterday.

I helped cook Thanksgiving dinner. There was a lot of good stuff. I still miss Karyn's spread though. Jack's mom put like almost a half a tub of butter in a dish. Now none of these people are 'little' people. I am like why condemn yourself to death? Jack's mom feels like it's not worth living life if you can't enjoy it. Jack's been on a diet because I said I wanted to go on one and he is seriously over weight too. He's been pretty good on it. Myself personally have been eating everything sweet I could get my hands on. I will try to do better now that there is no more pumpkin pie. Kaleb's cake is gone. I am wondering if he ate the rest of that. I don't know. But I've been bad too. I have him trying the atkins diet. He kinda does these things for me though so in a way I feel bad like I want him to be concerned as well. I am going to get up, take some medicine and play some more animal crossing.

4:27am (Wed)

How do you explain to someone how to love? I don't know. I have been arguing with Jack. We are still arguing but I felt like writing about it. I am kind of upset because Kaleb is frustrating him and he says it's because he doesn't want Kaleb to be a victim but yet he is not willing to do anything to help him on the basis that 'everyone else' is against him. The thought just occurred to me that Jack is the one being a victim. He is letting everyone else defeat him. He is sort of shutting me out I guess. Not wanting to deal with the real problems at hand. He feels rejected in his life and he doesn't want to be hurt again. He is afraid that caring about people is a weakness and it opens him up to hurt. At first I thought this was an easily shattered facade but now I realize he has more deep hurts than I could ever realize, but still I've gone through the same type of emotional response. I just am not a person who could ever be so completely closed to my emotions. He thinks he is this hard guy, the world is a vampire and it's not gonna get me, type of guy, but really, he is letting the world win. Boy I sure can pick 'em. We'll see how this goes. Maybe that's why I'm in his life. Maybe I will end up like so many other women, hoping to change this man and never really being able to chip away at a hard exterior that was built up before I was even around.

In other news I am pissed off. It's so funny how friends sometimes, can let you think that you are the only person struggling with something, you are the only person who is doing bad, all the while they are doing it too. I am so disappointed. I wish I didn't even know. But I guess that's what true friendship is to them. . . a series of self-portrayals. I want to be seen this way so I am going to lie straight in the face of my friends. It's funny to think about really. The situation, when I kind of run it through my head, I want to laugh.

I am so frustrated with Jack right about now but I guess it's not his fault he can't see it. But then again, it's his fault that he chooses not to see it. Maybe. It's one of those things when someone can so clearly see something about you but you can't see it yourself. He went to bed now. Pissed off clearly. But whatever. You know, I can't do anything to help him if he won't let himself be helped.

I have a confession to make. . . I am a bad person. I have discovered I have coital cephalgia which in most cases is not dangerous. . . though it can reveal hidden problems like brain hemorrhages. I hope that's not the case. Usually if it is though you have other symptoms. . . which I don't. If you figure out what that term means. . . then you know what my confession is. It's kind of ironic. All single people should have it. It would be good for them.

10:11 (Tues)

Well, I am a little worried about things. Nothing with myself necessarily. It's just that I have entered a house of issues. Jack's mom is wonderful. She is really nice and caring. Jack is great. He is rough around the edges in places I didn't know existed though. He is so loving and caring. He looks at me and tells me I'm a goddess LOL. That is starting to go to my head. He totally cares about me and tells everyone he sees that I am the best thing that's ever happened to him. I am not used to this. I am used to a guy who is nice or sweet to a point or to get his way. . . not someone who is always caring and thinking about me. He always wants to hug me. It's nice to be cared about that way. I feel very comfortable with him.

Well I started out with, 'I'm worried about things.' There is the fact that I went from seeing cigarette smoke once a week maybe to everyday from 3 different people (Jack's mom, his aunt, and her boyfriend) I just realized this a few minutes ago when Helen, Jack's mom was talking to me. She was smoking and I was holding my breath as much as possible. This sucks big time because I have high blood pressure already. This wouldn't be a problem if I could stay back in my smoke free zone in the back but the other issue is that Molly, Jack's aunt is not only terminally ill, she is a diabetic and all other kinds of things. She has to use oxygen tanks, stuff to ease her pain from some disease (I don't know if it's MS or something like that I think it's something else). Jack is gone tonight. I told him to go, said I needed some 'Jack-free' time. I never thought I'd want to be 'away' from a guy. This is how guys must feel when women are chasing them so much. Anyway he is gone. Helen is about to go to work and Molly is really sick. Her boyfriend, David, is here. Everyone refers to him as an alcoholic. Helen constantly is asking him to check on Molly and he is frustrated about that and keeps saying that he is doing everything he can. Well now Helen is telling me how to care for Molly in case of an emergency since she is so sick and that I should go and check on her every once in a while. I don't mind this one bit. I want to help. But then David is here. What do I do? Go in and be like, "I'm here to check on Molly"? I don't even know how to broach that. I said that to Helen and she said, 'it's not about David. Molly could die and he wouldn't even know it. We can't trust him, he gets drunk and pees in the bed.'

If some of you are laughing at this that is ok. This is the world I moved into. I don't doubt that the troubles are tough but I actually like the immediate family. Jack is great, Helen is wonderful, and the 13 year old Kaleb is nice. He has taken a liking to me always asking me to come and look at this or that and though is vision is so horrible he sits about 5 inches away from the television (he has brain damage and a visible deformity from an accident), he can draw like no kid I've ever seen. It's wonderful. His birthday is Thanksgiving day so I bought him a drawing pad, drawing pencils and water color pencils and brushes. This stuff is ultra cheap out here. I was amazed. I saw something that costs 13.99 in cali priced at 9.00 out here. That's interesting. Jack bought him Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. He is so good at video games maybe he'll beat it and I can just drive around town LOL. BTW, how's that going Von? Well I'd better get back in here and see what's up. I had actually insisted Jack go out with his friends tonight so that I could have some alone time but it seems I am going to spend the whole night worrying if I am not doing enough to help Molly :(

Monday, November 22, 2004

The Train Trip and Settling in Georgia

Nov. 18 2:36 (Thurs)

What I would blog if I could blog.

Well I am sittin' here on the train. . . it's 3:05pm or something like that. My computer says 2:06pm so that means that is California time. I have already watched "Fellowship of the Ring" and now I am on "The Two Towers". I am pissed off because I forgot to buy "Return of the King." I mean (oh this is the funny part. Gandalf's clothes have some kind of power!) I had no space for another movie but I would love to watch that too.

What bothers me about trains is that sometimes you just sit there. You are not picking anyone up you are just sitting (Oh this is the best part. I love Theoden. I would name my son after him if it didn't sound so ridiculous. It's an awesome name in Middle Earth though - I love that line when he says, "Dark have been my dreams of late." ) Anyway, we are sitting around because freight trains are passing. I think they always seem to be going ultra fast and this train. . . I can just walk along side it and keep up. Maybe a slight jog. Anyway, there goes Theoden. Fuckin' Aragorn shouldn't have stopped Theoden from killing Grimmer Wormtounge. Isn't that funny that his name is Wormtounge. I find it funny.

When I think of kings I think of Theoden. The LOTR (Lord of the Rings for those of you unaware) soundtrack for the second movie just has such kingly music too. Dun-dun-dun dun - da-da-da dun! Why is Eowen singing. And why is it that they talk in one language and sing in another. And you know what else I noticed? ALL the music from the movie is NOT on the soundtrack. What a gyp.

Anyway, I was thinking about how I abstained from watching this movie for so long because I felt like I watched it to the point of boredom. Well. . . now that I am watching these I get all choked up and teary eyed and shit. Boy. . . I was about to cry when Samwise (that's another honorable name) ran out into the water after Frodo. I thought that was so awesome. They had friendship.

Thank all of you guys that came to see me off. As embarrassed and hypersensitive as I felt, I was so happy to be able to see you guys. (There ain't no wireless networks in this part of the country. Nothing but pyramid shaped mountains and flat lands as far as the eyes can see. I am in a place right now that has nothing much. Arizona. . . what a wack state. Hundreds of tiny palm tree looking things but I doubt they will grow any bigger. It's too dry. Everyone drives a truck out here.

Gandalf said, 300 lives of men I've walked this Earth and now I have no time. Damn he is old. You know what I was noticing this time around watching these movies. . . that the time it takes them to get all these places is like major. At the beginning of the first movie, Gandalf says. . . it will take 40 days to get to Moria or something like that. (uh-oh Eowen is falling for Aragorn. Too bad Biiatch! That's Arwen's man. But I guess what's one wen vs. another?)

Lord of the Rings has some cool names too. Like Rohan! Yeah baby. . . I'll be a rider of Rohan. Or whatever. I also think Eomer is a hottie. Of course I can't stray from my Elves. . . Legolas. . . that's still my man though I'd have a little Eomer on the side.

There are kids on the train. One is crying now. Poor thing. . . parents dragging her across the country cramped up on this pile of iron. I was ambitious today. I started out typing my old stories but I need something to hold it up. Having to look down makes it so that I can't type fast enough so I gave it up.

Last night Sergio helped me bring my stuff. I pulled one on the baggage claim guy. He was letting me slide with stuff cause I started crying LOL. Women. . . you have to use what God gave you, or rather, what God gave men, a weakness for women's tears, to fix their problems. So he did.

But now I got a heavy ass box on the train. It's gonna suck trying to get it off. I have that box, my laptop bag, my carry-on bag, my DVD case, my purse. This kensington lock came in handy. When I leave my seat I don't feel stressed about this computer. A guy on here was asking me did I have a Mac. I have been wearing my Apple shirts. I figure that is a pretty good guess. Georgia is going to suck monkey balls but hopefully the people I am with will be awesome. They seem like it. They are excited to have me.

I watched Spirited Away today too. I didn't finish it though cause I got bored. But I have been thinking, all the things I think about watching have to do with people who are afraid of everything having to become brave. It sounds a lot like where I am now. I think that I am very excited about my big change. I hate not being in Cali though. It is the place to be. Wish I could get the net. I would be watching Homestar Runner. Everybody. . . everybody! Everybody! Do de do de do.

Damn. . . I thought these chairs would be more comfortable and they actually aren't that bad. The problem is, I always have one little crook in my back or something. I attribute it to being fat. Oh well. Such is life. We are moving SOOOOOO FUCKING SLOW! GEEZ! A tractor just passed us! (To be fair it was on the back of a truck but I think a tractor could pass us).

Everybody . . . everybody. . . everybody. . . do de do de do. Anyway, oh here are the giant elephants. . . on the movie. . . not outside. There are 18 wheelers mostly. A regular truck every once in a while. We are gaining speed. Now I bet we are going a whopping 15 miles per hour!

The scenary isn't much. Oh we are in New Mexico now. The computer is telling me to put in the other Lord of the Rings disc but I think I will watch another movie. What could I watch. Nah. . . I will play super mario. That is always fun. Everybody. . . everybody. . . everybody. . . do de do de do.

5:00pm (Thurs)

Just passed by Mexico. It's amazing that just over the fence, the quality of life decreases dramatically. I have no clue where we are. I think Texas. (I was way off - 11:24 Sat.)

6:05pm (Thurs)

Damn. . . we are slowly moving oh. . . wait. . . we are not moving, that's the train next door. Another fuckin' freight train. Anyway. I am going to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Maybe that will be boring enough to put me to sleep. Looking out the window when we are NOT moving makes me dizzy because I keep thinking we are moving. Oh well. . . my ears hurt from these in-ear headphones. Hopefully they won't kill my ears. I had just thought of something I wanted to blog but I completely forgot what it was. Oh well. I'll try again later.

7:08pm (Thurs)

Now this is interesting. I went into the bathroom. . . the ladies. And I saw that there is a trash can and a sanitary napkins/diapers 'can' right next to it. It's just built into the sink. I took a look and discovered, they both go to the same hole. What is that about?

9:34pm AKA WTF??!?!?! (Thurs)

Well now this is even more interesting than that last thing I said. I gave Jack a call, like I normally do. His aunt picked up the phone and said that words that made my world come crashing down. I am just still in shock from it. She said, "Bear doesn't live here anymore." (Bear is Jack's nickname, BTW). I was like. . . OMG^10 (You math nuts should get that one). So what is going on. I am curious now. But I don't really want to ask him because I don't want him to get upset with Molly, his aunt. So I have these thoughts running through my head of me sitting at the Jacksonville station wondering what to do. Feeling like I couldn't come back to Pasadena and contemplating even going to Mississippi. I call one more time and ask for Jack's mom. She is at work so I leave a message for her with my phone number. Then my phone rings again. It says 'Bear' on it because that's what I have it programmed to say. It's Molly's boyfriend who I had just left the number with, David. He asks did I just call the last 2 times. I was like yeah. Then he said they made a mistake. Bear is at the club working or out with his friend Fox. You don't know how happy I was to hear that news. But now the question becomes, why did they say that in the first place. They were saying they were sorry for the mix up and they looked forward to meeting me. I feel like I am in that part of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade or is that one? Anyway it's the Holy Grail one. I am stepping out into that space where supposedly there is a bridge but I can't see one. If I fall, I'll be ruined. But if I step out and Jack is there to catch me, things will be better. I can't really sleep after that phone call. I will finish watching a movie. I am sick of movies now. I am just ready to be there. Then it will all be over.

7:18am (not sure which time zone. . . possibly central) (Fri)

Well here is why you shouldn't take a train. As of now, we are six hours behind schedule. There are freight trains everywhere apparently. This is pissing me off. I am supposed to be there tomorrow. . . who knows. I might end up there Sunday! Fuck! (Sat. 11:27 - that is what ended up happening)


Um. . . too bad it's not Africa out there, at least we could see some animals.

7:56am (Fri)

I forgot to put my Sims disc in my bag (Once again we are following a freight train. It looks like those things are really fast. These trains however are not. . . I guess it's beccause they are passenger trains. Six hours! Geez. They said when we get to Louisiana we have a 2 hour layover. I am like WTF! I didn't know this! Hopefully they will make it short so that we can get there within only 4 hours of the estimated time. When I was taking the Coast Starlight up to Northern Cali. . . it was never late like this. Maybe 1 hour perhaps but not 6 geez! I guess if you factor in (someone just asked me about a wall plug. They might try to take it damn). Anyway, if you factor in the frickin' time percentages or some shit like that, it might be relative. He is saying it's going to take more than 4 hours to get to Houston. Texas is a big ass state. The real problem is, it's wide. California is not hard to cross cause it is long. Geez! Motherfuckin' trains. I thought this would be fun and for the first 24 hours it was. Up until they said it was a 6 hour delay.

8:11am (Fri)

I just saw a hawk. It was white and brown. Cool.

A plane takes off. It's central time. A dusty road. Cows, horses, goats. An old barn next to a new house. Water towers. muddy puddles. A train whistle blows. Rancho Del Rio. The sun. Speckled fields growing wild. Small houses, trailer. (I think I pulled a groin muscle :( It hurts bad. Hope I didn't ruin my child bearing years).

11:09am (Fri)

I think someone walked away with my sponge bob square pants DVD. Glad it wasn't my favorite one, and I'm really glad I have been locking up my shit. 90 % of this trip has been sitting FUCK! You can only watch so many movies before that becomes extremely boring too.

1:58pm (I think central) (Fri)

I went to the observation deck to see if there was a place I could lay down. My groin is bothering me so bad. I probably have jacked myself up pretty good. I have an ice tea on it now. LOL. It's hot as fuck right now. Some guy collapsed outside before getting on the train. Apparently he was drunk, fell, passed out and broke his nose. Paramedics were on the train asking the other people questions. I guess they were people who just got on at this station. I am weary of getting off on stops (oh great now the train is off. . . no air at all) because I have this fear that I will be left behind.

There is a guy reading off destinations . . . I think he is making a voice recording or something. We are soooo delayed it fucking sucks.

I am hot. . . tired. . . in pain. . . OH SHIT! I forgot I had some ibueprophen or however you spell it. I'm like, oh shit, I'll take that. My groin will probably feel much better. Oh well. We are in San Antonio Texas. I got off here to get a cold soda to put on my groin. I decided Iced Tea was probably the best bet for some reason. I guess because it's 'iced' tea. Anyway I am going to try that frickin' ibueprophen in a bit. YEAH the air is back on! Amen! I played mario for a second but I lost that same level 4 times so I got sick of it. I am so pissed that my Sims disc is not in my carry on stuff. I JUST WASN'T THINKING. I am going to read or something. Shit I'm bored. I imagined being more entertained than this. Might watch Lord of the Rings again. I haven't finished the 2 towers but I want to watch the other one again. Just got finished watching o' brother where art thou. I wonder why they picked that name. Anyway. . . we are still in San Antonio. . . fuckin' Texas. Makes me think of George Bush.

3:48pm (Fri)

We are sitting again. Probably not 25 minutes out of San Antonio :( This sucks monkey balls. I swear I could walk to Georgia before this train gets there. I should have brought some non-in-ear headphones. Watching Lord of the Rings again. I can't get comfortable enough read. I am wondering should I go to the dinning car? I would have to sit with someone else. I suppose I don't need to go. Back to LOTR: Fellowship.

4:07pm (Fri)

I was just about to blog that we are still sitting here but now we are moving. I read something earlier I don't know if I mentioned it and I am too lazy to go look for it. It said that from now on this train the Sunset Limited 2 would be experiencing moderate to lengthy delays. They don't tell you that shit when you are buying your ticket.

4:21pm (Fri)

I am hopeful. I am looking at Texas and thinking I could probably make it in the South. I was an awesome teacher. Need a little bit more organizational skills but that's just finding a plan and sticking with it. Other than that I am good. My first order of business will be to see if I can find a school (private?) that will at least hire me as a T.A. If they are willing to give me more than that hell I'll take it. Then I can continue school. I thought about lying and saying I had a degree. Some small town school probably wouldn't check but then I think, God didn't bring me through what he did to have me lie. He gave me a lot of gifts that I can use on those merits without having to lie. I think lying about something like that would be slapping God in the face saying, 'You didn't quite give me enough." As I look out the window, I am excited and confident. Who wouldn't want to hire me. I just wish I had more of my teaching things. Wait, I think I did bring some of it. Maybe I didn't though. I don't know what's in those boxes LOL. I think I left my teaching stuff. Oh well. I have pictures of my classroom. They can see all the awesome things I've done. I am excited. I don't think I am on this trip for nothing. There is hope at the end of the Railroad. (If I ever get there. . . fuckin' freight trains).

4:50pm (Fri)

I just saw a water tower that was a watermelon. That's cute. I am listening to a DVD that a passenger gave me. It's called "Medea". I've never heard of it but it's pretty funny.

5:21pm (Fri)


5:55pm (Fri)

The Bible says women ain't supposed to make coffee. It says 'He-brews' LOL (joke from 'Medea' - a play about a family in which the matron. . . the grandmother is actually played by a guy. He is hilarious).

6:33pm (Fri) (I think this is Eastern time not central. They just announced dinner reservations for 5:30)

Anyway, I just got done watching that movie. It was a bootleg of a play. Pretty funny. Skipped past all the gospel singing. But I usually skip past any singing on a movie. I ain't into show tunes unless it's something like the nightmare before Christmas. Back to LOTR: Fellowship. For some reason I don't want to move on to the Two Towers. I think it's because it's more about the Elves in the first one. But no sé. I am pissed because my 'c' key gets stuck sometimes and my 'e' has half the 'e' on it. I am frustrated about that because it's a new computer. Someone just walked by and asked me if I had a CD Player. (Weird) Now the woman that lent me the movie has a friend that is going to come sit with me for a bit. I am looking at the country-side and thinking it is so awesome. I love the country. I always remember that. I love the country. I just hate the people I was around. But maybe it wasn't even that but that I hated myself. That's too deep for yall I bet. That's alright. I am excited and hopeful even though the train is like 8 hours or more late now. Watching LOTR again. I am a bit bored but my groin pull or whatever I did is making it hard for me to want to move around the train. I don't think it hurts so much as it is uncomfortable. Oh there goes the Smith. . . he is the king of Rivendell. . . Lord Eldrond. I love Lord of the Rings. I love the Silmarillion. It's all so wonderful.

Some guy was smoking in the bathroom even after they said not to. I found that so strange. I think people can be weirdos sometimes. How are you going to smoke when it says 'Do not smoke.' To be fair it says 'Thank you for not smoking.' You can hardly expect people to listen when you don't give them direct commands. It should say, 'I am going to kick your @#*$&)@##(@*#)(*#@)*!!!!!!! if you are smoking' LOL. Oh there goes my man Legolas. I don't like that dude in anything else. I love him as Legolas though. That's it. Someone just walked by and inquired about how we were watching movies over here if there is no power. The other lady was like you have to charge it. It made it sound like you had to charge it before you left but it's running off original power. But instead, I said, "Some seats have outlets." This is a problem. Hopefully I won't be dealing with a train again and I am the lucky person that gets to use the plug for 3 days. Tight. The problem is, now people are going to 'know' there are plugs. I don't mind folks coming by to charge their stuff. I invited people to do it. I don't want anyone to think I'm selfish. But I don't want anyone to come by and be like, 'Trade seats with me. You've been there long enough.'

Funny. I'm sick of this train. I feel like I am living here. I am going to put on my P.J.s tonight. I didn't yesterday but it's cool tonight.

7:08pm (Fri)

We've been fuckin' sittin' again.

8:41pm (Fri)

Just changed into my P.J.s I am a little hot now from changing and cleaning up in that little room but I am sure I will cool down faster like this.

10:49pm (Fri)

Watching The Two Towers. Jack is playing Halo. He probably expects me to call 9:00 Cali time. My groin still hurts. It's bothering me and the medicine did nothing to help. I hope that this won't require a doctor. My butt also hurts now. We have stopped several times. Do they factor any of these stops into the time? Gotta get back to LOTR. The Ents are about to get mad!

11:19pm (Fri)

Just got done with TT. I only watched the second disk. This computer seems so bright now. They turned off all the lights. I am getting very bored. Maybe Jack will call me soon. My ass hurts too. But I just realized, this seat is more comfortable (I just switched to the other side by the window). Listening to my LOTR/Enya compilation. That fuckin' groin pull. That's what I'm going to call it. I hope it's nothing serious. Jack's family seems very excited to meet me. I hope I am a little better than they are expecting. I am afraid of that. I will hate it if they are like ew.

I am really wishing I had the third LOTR movie. I was thinking about some of the scenes. Like when Haldir gets killed fighting at Helm's deep. There was something very saddening about an Elf dying. Even with any of the Elves. It's like. . . wow. . . these powerful people have fallen. But my favorite scene in TT is when Haldir walks up to Helm's Deep with his warrior party care of Eldrond and he is like, 'Eldrond sends his word, we got this biatch.' Nah, but it would have been hilarious if he had said something like that. Probably did while filming.

LOTR is such (I wrote suck at first) beautiful story. I am amazed. I wish I could create something like it. I was inspired to write but saddened to think that I couldn't come up with something equally as amazing. It's such a beautiful tale. It's amazing the work put into the movies as well. I mean Peter Jackson was on one seriously. It's like, the magic of it, the heart of it is so real. I can't believe that there will ever be anything like it again. It is a master piece. I wonder if in Heaven, or even now, God recognizes our art forms as beautiful. I mean sure they aren't what he has created and most times it's taking stuff he's created and bending it, but if God made such creative people, then there must be appreciation for the things we do. I don't know if anything I have done has amazed him, but I wonder if he looked down on Tolkien and said, "well done." I mean do all of the things we do have to be evangelism for him to appreciate it of us. I mean some people would say LOTR is allegorical but Tolkien says it's not. Even so, there are many who see the spiritual connections. Perhaps without even trying Tolkien did it. From his stand point, he would say, these things should be natural when recreating a world. I feel like recreating a world right now. I think I'll write while I'm inspired. So see, there is nothing new under the sun. Well to Tolkien and Peter Jackson, I say 'Well Done.' My heart leaps, cries, laughs, and pains with every word of the book and scene in the movie. Jackson did it. Tolkien did it. It's done.

11:05 am (Sat)

I have seen some amazing things. My travel through Louisiana was beautiful. We crossed lots of swamp/marsh land. We passed right over the Mississippi river and now the conductor has just called that we are now stopping in Gulfport Mississippi. I am filled with a certain guilt that I didn't tell my mother I was moving. I think she will be happy in the end. It has been raining since we got to New Orleans and it still rains now. I won't get off the train. Not with my hair LOL. But as I look around at the small town of Gulfport with the rain pouring down I see so many old style buildings. They were probably built recently . . . in the past 20 years at least but everything here has that look, like it is a hundred years behind the times. I don't know how I feel about it. Traversing through Louisiana was beautiful and my mouth was open for much of the trip in awe of the beauty, ducks, cranes, gulls. It was all amazing. But then when I realized (and no one told me, I just knew) that we were in Mississippi, something in me paused. This whole trip I have been excited or impatient to get to my destination. In a way I still am (we will arrive 10 hours late . . . thus far anyway), but I definitely have come to the realization that the place I have hated for so long is now the place I am returning to. I don't know how I feel about it now. I think about Jack and his family and I think wow. . . it will be great, but then when I look at my surroundings. . . and you know, maybe Brunswick will be different but I doubt it. I think it will be like this. I am a little afraid. Gosh, I don't know. I am a bit weirded out I guess. I am worried white people will hate me. The ratio of trucks to cars has probably tripled since I left Cali. That is irritating. Drive a fuckin' mini why don't you! I saw one in New Orleans. . . probably the last one I'll see. The spell checker on this thing actually told me I spelled 'fuckin' wrong and suggested 'fucking'. LOL. What has the world come to?

11:43 am (Sat)

The mighty Mississippi is at least 2 if not 3 football fields wide. Wow. Is it me or are there 4 times the amount of power lines down here?


We are entering Alabama I think. I just saw a bunch of 'Mobile' signs LOL. At first I thought it was Mobil. Like the gas station. I am ready to be there already. I haven't taken my hair down yet. It's raining which is just perfect. That means that no matter what, my hair will be crazy. I wish I could have gotten it braided before I left but oh well. Such is life. I have been sitting on my jacket (I just realized how painful that was) and it's surprisingly warm :) I always spell surprise with a 'z'. Apparently the computer is telling me that is wrong :( It just doesn't look right with an 's'. I haven't really read any of my book and I am tempted to put LOTR back on. I am going through an obsessive phase. This happens to me when I am trying to avoid reality. I think this whole thing is just a bit big for someone like me. I hope I grow. I hope I don't just stay the same. I think I have some of those fucking follicles growing on my tonsils again. FUCK FUCK MOTHERFUCKER! The computer is telling me that motherfucker is spelled wrong. It just doesn't know that word yet I guess LOL. I called Sergio but he was sleeping. Might call him again in a bit. I want to get a new AOL email addy. Something like Heretic but of course that's going to be taken. I love that name though. If you add anything to it it becomes lame :( It's pretty damn cold on the train. I went down earlier to change back into regular clothes and freshen up. I am wearing regular old stuff I'm comfortable in. Hopefully Jack will think I'm aight. He said for me not to worry. It's funny. When people say don't worry, I start worrying even more. Maybe they should say 'You should worry.' Then the stress of it would be so hard to bear that I would just give up hope. I was thinking working on the Amtrak train would probably be cool. It's not like you are rushing to get anywhere. You can have your own little sleeping quarters. I want to take a look at my throat. Fuckin' follicles. We are in Mobile now. We are about to stop. I am freezing. It's the rain. It's cold outside. Damn I ate all my ice before drinking (I actually started to spell drinking dreaking LOL) my soda. Now I have hot soda. but I guess that's alright. It's already cold and the ice just made me more cold.

I am listening to a mixture of Ray Charles (Thanks Von) and Nina Simone. That is some good shit. It's like when you are taking your first puff of some of that Sonoma grown good chronic. I just thought, I could probably call the police and tell them Larry is in possession of drugs. Then he would get like 15 years or something. HAHAHAHA. It would be the ultimate revenge. But I won't bother. My groin. OH! It sucks. Nina's words:

'I'm gonna lay down my head on some lonesome railroad line
Let the 219 train, ease my troubled mind.'

Damn that's depressing. The guy who makes the dining car announcements has a funny accent. I want to laugh every time I hear it. 'Trouble in mind, I'm blue, but I won't be blue always cause the sun's gonna shine, in my back door some day.' Mobile is off of the water. That's cool. Here we go, 'Georgia on my mind.' The train has stopped but it's not level so I am feeling the need to lean over to the left. The woman from earlier just brought over an article about Orlando Bloom. She is nice. I wonder why she is nice to me. I don't know. Anyway, I am sooooo fuckin' bored. I play Mario but after losing a few times that gets extremely boring. I wish I had a fuckin' decaf java chip frappucino with whipped cream. I don't know why I just thought of that but I did.


I would have been at the station by now if this fucking train had been on time. As it is I am in Florida. I've been having a nice look at the Gulf of Mexico for quite some time. I guess we are going inland now. . . but on the other side of the train I can see it now. I have no directional sense. Anyway, my groin area I think is getting worse. It is not helped by the fact that my back is killing me. It's just one spot too that won't let me get comfortable. So I gave up on sleeping and decided to go head and take my hair down. I look like a true California girl. I don't know what these people will be able to make of me. I am a bit more scared. Oh well. Too late to turn back now. I hope Brunswick is a little nicer than these places I've been passing. I see one problem. There are so many destroyed houses. You will be passing by somewhere where there are no houses and see a piece of a roof out there. Hurricanes are a pretty serious thing. But then it's weird because the vegetation out here grows so much differently. I suppose in California stuff won't grow unless you plant it so where ever it's planted it's organized as such. Here we are passing places that look like time forgot about them. If it weren't for the occasional bridge or road you could picture yourself back in a swamp back in the days of the dinosaur. It's just that wild. Uh-oh. . . here comes a T-Rex! He's coming straight for the train! LOL. Jack was upset because of the time delays and was like 'You should have just taken a plane!' Well I probably should have. I would have had 4 hours of trauma as opposed to a couple of days of misery. The difference is that the airplane charges you like 50 per bag that you go over on. And I don't trust a plane weighed down with all that extra baggage. It's all foggy now. Haven't seen that for a while. It's pretty cool. It's been raining since Louisiana. I think about the names of the places down here. It's interesting. I mean out in Cali everything is Spanish origin. Here you get the Indian names like Mississippi or the French names like Louisiana. It's cool. There are so many places that look only slightly better than TJ. That is scary. I hope I am never living in a trailer but I guess if you are happy it doesn't much matter. Damn. I hate that when I go to type damn I always type 'dman' LOL. My fuckin' back geez. I can't believe it's going to take fuckin' 8 hours to get to the other end of Florida. If I had been driving I'd probably be there by now. Listening to some Nina now. My back!

I am wearing my 'Live Strong' bracelet that Von let me have after I gave him a headache. And I am wearing on the same arm, my super mario sweat band thingy. The effect is startling. I look like I am in high school. I think that is pretty cool. . . I took 10 years off of my life with a freaky hair do and some sporty attire. Everything over here is so run down. I want to be like, clean this shit up. There is the fuzz. They pulled somebody over or something. Then there is a boat ran up on the shore. That one looked kind of funny. I wonder which of you guys is still reading this. I wonder how many pages it is. I did it in 'Textedit'. Why did Mac go so Windows? I am upset about this. Everything is like PC. Is it the best of PC combined with the best of Mac? I don't know. I still haven't seen an alligator and I am pissed off about it. I am so fucking tired. When I get there I am probably just going to collapse. I changed my screensaver to my pictures folder so it shows pics of my class. Ironically on that same set it shows Mrs. Kafi and her gossip group. I just wince when I see it. I am bored as fuck la la la-la. I am bored as fuck la la la-la. I am in pain no matter how I sit. FUCKIN' FEMALE BODY!


Well if this isn't the essence of hilarity. Tipton got a vasectomy. I would die laughing if I didn't have a groin injury. I called Adrienne back and told her it was probably sympathy pains from Tipton's neutering. HAHAHAHAHA. He is a neuter. If I am not mistaken, this means . . . nah. . . I won't go there. It's damn funny though. My stomach is hurting. I went earlier to have dinner in the dining car. For some reason I have been buying food on the train and I guess it's because you can only eat low-carb bars for so long before you are crying for regularity. I am listening to a great song that reminds me of the Apple Store. "Magic Love". It's where I first discovered the song and immediately I had to download it. My ears hurt from these ear buds though. Now my stomach hurts, my back has a crook in it (I think he stole my lungs), and my sympathy pains for Tipton are making the continuation of this trip a misery. I am excited in a sense I just wish I was more comfortable. I should have put up the additional money for a sleeper car. It would have been wise. I don't think we are in Tallahassee yet. Wow. . .I spelled that right! That's a cool word. Tallahassee. Sounds so neat. Well I surely now believe that taking the train takes much longer than driving in New York City traffic for 3000 miles LOL. At least then there are other cars you can honk and yell at. Here we just have to sit back and wait. Jack said something interesting. I said I wanted to go to visit my mom for Christmas if I could. He said, "I want to come too." I thought wow. . . my mom would be freaked. He was like we could stay at a hotel in town so we didn't bother them. I wonder if all this shaking is harmful to my ibook. Anyway, I said they probably would rather we were married if we were staying together like that. He said, 'We'll just have to do something about that then.' I'm like wow. . . he is so serious about me. Sometimes it's frightening. Sometimes it's reassuring. Hopefully I will be seeing him soon. I can't believe I am doing this. His family is very excited about me. I hope they are actually excited and not just being nice. I wonder sometimes. This guy keeps walking by and I want to ask him what is our current ETA for Jacksonville but I am too shy :( I hate that. My fuckin' groin! It hurts like hell when I move. It's not even a major pain, it's more like unusual and I associate it with my ovaries so more than anything the little pain that is there, I fear it is a major problem. I hope it's just sore and that a few days of being able to lie down and stretch out will appease my muscles and/or ovaries. I have read that scarring can damage your chances of having a baby. . . scarring on your ovaries. It's interesting that the body is built to heal itself but scarring in those sorts of places can make you infertile. I hope that will not be the case with me. :(

Game says in that 'Whole City Behind Us' song: My beats was so sick, I should have got a medic, but my credit was so pathetic I couldn't afford a debit. LOL.

I like ludacris. . . like I like him in the way that I think he is a cool dude. I don't know any of his music aside from this (that I know of). My back. This is the whiniest blog ever I bet.

7:52pm Sun

Well I am here at my new home so to speak. Everything is cool. Jack is great. He is exactly what I expected and in some ways shockingly so. He is ultra sweet. He thinks a lot of what I say and his family thinks I am cool. They told him he'd better stay off his ass and work hard to keep me :) Jack's cousin Kaleb is 13. After I told him how I was into Anime and video games, he likes to hang out with me. He keeps coming to show me things and asks me to come and see the levels he is on in his video games. It's cool. The poor kid has like a deformity from a car accident and can't see very well at all. He can play video games but smaller things he can't see like words. He can't read :( I had forgotten that Jack told me about that. He went to the store with me today. I took Jack's car. Jack is very serious about me. His friend Fox came to pick me up this morning (early). He is cool. Jack was being very weird but I think it was because he was nervous. Fox would see how no-nonsense I talked to Jack and he would laugh and say, "This is going to be great. I can't wait to see how this works. Can I put hidden cameras up?" I think Jack felt kinda like a kid dealing with that and it made him more obnoxious but when we got back, he was more agreeable to talk about things. He puts up a huge front. Fox said that. "See, this guy, he calls himself bear, but my daughter, she calls him Teddybear." Fox is cool and funny as hell. He took us to the Waffle House and was making jokes with the manager saying that he was being racist etc. Anyway, Fox is the kind of guy that I could see someone like my dad hanging out with. Jack has been sweet. He is so sensitive with me. Then I think I am sometimes too mean. I was talking to him about healthier eating habits for both of us because we went out to lunch and he brought a lot of things that would be considered unhealthy. He is already massively over weight and I worry about him. He is an awesome guy though. I think that he doesn't like to talk about this but his weight is probably the reason he feels so isolated. The house here is different than I expected. That's all I can say. Ah well. Such is life. I traded a few nicer things for a nicer guy.

I am starting to think about work. I want to apply at some schools but the realization that school has already started has hit home. I will see about daycare or youth centers too. I gotta figure out how to find out about it. There was a church around the corner. Might inquire there. Who knows? This town is not too small. Different than I imagined. I imagined dirt roads etc.

Jack wants to get married. That is a scary thought. For the first time in my life I am worried about marriage.

2:06pm (Mon)

What am I talking about? This is insane. Things are much different than I thought they'd be. I am alright with that though. Just ready to get things going and possibly move out of here. It's alright. Everyone is nice. But as far as classes of living, this one is one that I am not too sure about. It's alright though. Guess I just need to adjust. I am happy with Jack. Other stuff I just have to lie to myself about.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

My Dad, My Hero

As I was preparing to leave today, I found my old family vacations album and I realized I was going to miss my dad a lot. He is a great guy and I don't give him enough credit. I am a little sad that I didn't get the chance to grow up with him. Now I feel like I might be missing something to leave him. I wish my life was headed the way his was. Who knows it might still be. I hope that someday I can go over everyday and talk to him. He's great. I love him.

It's 4:58AM

My stomach hurts, my mind is restless, my heart is beating out of control. The reality of what I am doing just hit me this morning. I can't sleep. I can't believe what I'm doing. I can't believe it. I am so afraid. I am so so afraid. I don't know what I will meet and most frightening of all, I don't know when I'll be able to come back. I just don't know. Of all the things I wish for my life, this sort of confusion and fear is not it. I am faced with reality. I kept saying yesterday to my dad, I feel like things are supposed to be different. I am not that worried about Jack. He is great. He will be cool.

I had a dream though. I had a dream that (well our house was very different) and I went down to see Sergio and get ready to leave and he was in the laundry room. I took one look at him and knew that he was hurting. I just hugged him and we both started crying. Then I woke out of that dream only now to still be crying. Oh God I love him. He is the greatest friend I ever had. I know because of that I will be back. It's not that expensive to visit. I hate flying though. It fucking sucks. So does a 3 day train trip though. I will find a way. Oh Lord, I sure hope you have a plan for me. I am scared shitless. Not about going, but about leaving here. This is amazing. I am in such fear right now. I am sooooo afraid. I don't even know what to do. I have some last minute things to do but I am still just afraid as ever and confused. I am thinking about being on that train. Last night I said to Carshie, it was kinda crappy now that I think about it. It's like being in limbo. . . between two worlds. I wanted that in a way, but it kinda sucks not to be just going straight to the next thing. Limbo. That's where I am headed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My last day. . .

My Last Day. . .

Well I have resorted to HTML to make my posts look right and that's cool. Tonight is my last night in Cali. . . well, last whole night. Tomorrow night I get on a train to go to Georgia. . . actually Jacksonville Florida. I can't believe I won't be there until Saturday. I am excited about the change but today me and my dad started talking. He was talking about running away from stuff. I don't know. I don't think of myself as running away but I am sort of feeling that every once in a while. Jack is a great guy. This is an extreme venture I am on but I feel like there is nothing left for me here and he is sooo wonderful. I think I'll be happy, but I'm faced with the fact that I have no clue what I want. I have no idea. Do I want kids? I don't even know. I don't even know what I want to do about work. I don't know what I want to do in school. I don't know what I want to do once I get in Georgia. My mother doesn't even know I am moving. I think that is aweful. I am an aweful person sometimes but this is the way the world made me. Or else this is the way I let myself become. I hate it. I hate myself sometimes so fucking much. I think, if Jack will love me, maybe I will see what there is to life. If we can be happy together, maybe I can find some inner peace. I hope that is true. It's depending on another person which I guess you are not supposed to do but fuck that. It works. Then if he is gone, my life will be ruined. I guess that's why you are not supposed to think that way.

Life is interesting. You never know what is going to happen. You never know. . .

No Title Shows Up :(

No Title Shows Up

Well this is it, my new bad ass lookin' site. . . but I can't get the titles to show up. If you see 2, then it worked. If you see only one then I guess I am stuck with it this way but other than that it's bad ass. I am leaving in 2 days.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Is that all?????!?!?!?!?!?!?

I just beat super mario brothers three and it goes something like this, "I'm sorry, but the princess is in another castle. . . just kidding." LOL. That was funny but then that's it. That's all I get for beating that whole game!?!?!?!?!? WTF??!?!?!? At least give me access to all the worlds or something. That's only fair. But this is bullshit.

Well I am bored as fuck

I hate difficult situations. They are frustrating. But good friends are wonderful.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Finally Saying It

Nina Simone said it best in her song 'Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out':

Nobody knows you when you're down and out.
In your pocket, not one penny
And your friends -- you find you haven't any.
But as soon as you get back on your feet again
Everybody wants to be your long-lost friend
It's might strange, without a doubt
Nobody knows you when you're down and out.

I like this song 'Country Blues' by the Chieftains too: (I couldn't find the lyrics so I am guessing at some)

Come all you good kind people while I've got money to spend
Tomorrow I'd be running and I neither have a dollar nor a friend
When I got plenty of money good people, my friends all standin' round
As soon as my pocket book is empty, not a friend on this Earth can be found


The Finality of Hatred

Well today will be my last day at the Apple Store and though I am sad about it I am glad to be closing things up. I have a lot of stuff still to do :( My back hurts probably from the heavy lifting etc.

A person who I consider an Ex-friend tried to contact me about my employee discount now. It's funny. . . when people need something they are all around you. Try to get something out of them and it's like 'fuck you heretic!' So I am saying fuckin' kiss my ass. When I needed you! You were no where to be found. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! All you motherfuckers who are sick and twisted trying to make me think there is something wrong with me when it's your fuckin' lives that you hate! GEEEEEEEZ! I think I seriously want to rip someone's head off for this. Gonna ask me on my last day to hook them up. What have they done for me but try to run me out of here? They've fucked over my friends. . . all the people I really actually care about. These fuckers are insane. To believe they actually tried to ask me for this! TO BELIEVE IT! I can't. It's insane. The audacity! UNFUCKIN'BELIEVABLE! UNFUCKIN'BELIEVEABLE! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! I'M PISSED OFF. THAT MOTHERFUCKER TRIED TO CALL ME TOO. NOW I AM AVOIDING AOL SO THEY CAN'T INSTANT MESSAGE ME! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! HOW DARE THEY! HOW FUCKIN' DARE THEY!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

8 More Days Until D-Day

Wow! 8 days I can't believe it. I have a compilation of the most relaxing music on my ipod under a playlist titled 'Good Night Moon'. I listened to it while sleeping last night and I woke up in peace. I love it. I have different ones. Depending on how I am feeling, I will listen to various ones. I like to name the playlists interesting things. Here is a run down of what I have:

80s - It's all that kind of music. . . I ripped it off Sergio! Oh. . . wait no I didn't. I purchased all this music!
Audiobooks - Also self explanitory. I gotta start listening to that hypnosis for weight control again
Break Stuff - mostly Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, and other music for when I feel angry
Chill - Some Moby. . . classic chillout album. . . stuff to just. . . chill
Dance Your Cares Away - ultimate dance tracks . . . got some beegees in there LOl
Fly - Music that makes me feel free to do just that!
Gansta - can you take a guess!
Good Night Moon - mostly classical, a touch of new age
Issues - Stuff like 'Abuse Me' from silverchair. . . when I feel like I have issues.
Leavin' This Life - Stuff that makes me think of a new life in Georgia. . . mostly music from the Serendipity soundtrack
Lemonwire - LOL!
Love Songs - mostly slow happy or romantic songs. . . some Usher in there
Mi Hermano - Tracks that I put on a CD for mi hermano, Sergio
Nina and Jack - mostly Alicia Keys. . .stuff that reminds me of Jack
October Jazz - all that jazz that makes me relish this fall season
Palangial's Dreams - This one is funny. It's a mix of Enya, LOTR 1 and 2 music that I renamed to fit my Lord of the Rings fantasy! (my elvish name is Panagail!)
Technical Groove - ELECTRONICA
Wanksta - Stuff that didn't go in Gansta
Why? - when I am feeling down. . .this was stuff that fit my mood on breaking up with Larry
World - world music. . . some bossa nova in there

There are all my playlists. I will probably change the names as I often do! I am bored as shit because I don't want to do the work I need to. I gots to work tonight but I ain't lookin' forward to it. I love work I just hate having to actually go. If I could get up and work was outside my door I'd be fine. I am starving though. I had chips for dinner. I will see what I feel like listening to in the shower. Maybe some Technical Groove! Oh, I have an On The Go playlist that has some fun stuff on it. Makes me think of Jack. . . . I know. . . Jack this, Jack that. He's great!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Day 2 Without a Bath

I woke up today and discovered I didn't have to go to work! It's cool but it will make the week seem longer to have more than one day off at a time. I am sittin' here watching 'The Girl With The Pearl Earring'. It looks cool. I love period films like that where I can emerse myself in it. The girl's name is Griet. I think that is cool. I always wanted to name my daughter, if I ever had one, Aoife. It is pronouced 'EE-fah'. It's an Irish name. I would love for it to become a family name. But then, I probably wouldn't be around to see it. Being with Jack will probably mean a different name but we'll see what I can negociate with if God blesses me in such a way. I hope he does. I think about it more these days since I've met Jack. It seems possible now. Before I felt perhaps it was a lost cause. Anyway, who knows.

This movie is great. I love these times. . . I am not sure but I think it's set in England. I would have guessed the names from France though. You've hardly captured a glimpse of Vemeer himself. Oh now I see who he is. Cool. I think the wife of this dude and Vemeer are foolin' around. That's a guess. I like it a lot. Too bad I can't dream of being a person of that century. . . I'd be somebody's field nigger. Those cities probably smelled like crap often anyway. . . rotting meat and shit. It's quite possible.

Wow, I can't believe it, 11 more days until I am off to Georgia. I get to sleep through the night and then ride quite a few more hours there. I am soooo excited, and soooo nervous but I already feel like a part of the family there.

I can't wait to go. I can't wait to go. To be there and be happy again. That's all I am wishing for.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Whatever . . . Nevermind

With the lights out. . . it's less dangerous. . . you and I're now entertainers, I'm so stupid, and contaigous, you and I're now entertainers. Yeah!

Why is it that people only take certain parts of the bible and obey. What about the part that says, 'If your brother has something against you, how many times should you go to him?' Now I was thinking that this is the way Christians should behave, but! People around here would say, 'I shouldn't go to him, because he is not obeying God or she is not' but they aren't either.

The White Man: Equensuocha! (Means White Devil)

I am going to ask three questions. All of which have the same answer: The white man. What is wrong with this world? Why am I so broke? Why do ethic peoples have low self esteem in America? You guessed, the white man. (Sergio treats me wrong, but that's just an aside). If we were all still living in grass huts and mud pack houses, the Aztecs would be the most advanced civilization around. Perhaps the Egyptians too. And maybe even the Chinese. Interesting, I don't see the white in there anywhere. They were just a bunch of inbred caveman assholes who happened to start mining iron to better kill our people with. And now we are conquered by these white devils. (I've been drinking. . . don't hold it against me). Capitalism, some people love it. Those people are selfish bastards. All capitalism does is make the poor man poorer and the rich man richer. Sure people say if you live in a capitalist society you can rise and grow your own wealth. This is bullshit. In some few instances the white man lets someone else up through the ranks. This is just for show to keep the ignorant masses appeased. They say, 'you can do it, just like he did.' They leave out the thought, "only if we say." I think that communism works. That's the way other societies were. Share and share alike. If there is a pile of money, why does one person get more? Everyone is not gifted in business or money making. Some people are gifted in other art forms. What about those people? They have lost their place in society. In communism, everyone does their job and everyone gets what everyone else has. There is no competition or poor. Sure communism like in Russia made everyone poor but that was not true communism. Geez. Humans suck.

I think we should look at the native american standard. But even in that, there were wars. You know what that's okay. Wars control the population. I don't know. We need to do something though. We need to set the cows free and hunt them. We would all be healthier livin' in a high protien low carb society. Forget our farming ways! Abandon the fields. Sure people would starve and die and kill each other at first but then, things would even out and once we got the cows back to the wild, the hunters would prevail. We would enter into once again a tribal society. Sure women would go back to being gatherers and baby makers but that's alright. Sure some of us would die in child birth. . . I probably would because of my lack of child bearing hips. This is the way of the world though. More people? Is this what God had in mind. He only has a certain amount of space in heaven doesn't he? I don't know. Anyway this would be better for everyone. You keep to your own continent. . . live your own religon. . . go back to loin cloths. This is the way of the future, not more people, space ships, and silver uniforms.

On the other hand. . . the population is being controled now by birth control. People don't have 10 and 15 kids anymore. But what about China. We should bomb the Chinese. They have too many damn people over there. Ok. . . I am going to get flamed for being racist or something now. Anyway, who cares, I'm a rebel with a cause!

But sure, just like in the letter that I sent to my church, people will ultimately reject it. Just like Hitler said, Individuals are smart, PEOPLE, are stupid. It's a fact. Just because a Nazi dictator said it doesn't mean it's not true. If that invalidates my position then, FUCK YOU ALL STUPID PEOPLE!

I am a Fuckin' Asshole, Fuck Yeah!

Someone commented on a comment I wrote on my friend's blog. I am like, what the fuck ever. Geez. Sensitivity, it's the leading cause of cancer. I don't blame them. I get like that too on my period. But I will just be like, fuck this or that. Anyway, I love this song I just heard from the Team American sound track. When he is giving the list, the band says 'Fuck yeah!' after everything. I copied these so that is why the 'fuck' is blocked out LOL.

America. America. America F@#k Yeah.
Comin' again to save the motherf@#king day, yeah.
America, f@#k yeah!

Freedom is the only way, yeah.
Terrorist your game is through
'cause now you have to answer to America, f@#k yeah.
So lick my butt and suck on my balls.
America, f@#k yeah.

What ya gonna do when we come fo' you now?
It's the dream that we all share, it's the hope for tomorrow.
F@#k yeah.

McDonalds, Wal-mart, the Gap, baseball, NFL, rock and roll, the internet, slavery, F@#k yeah, f@#k yeah.

Starbucks, Disneyworld, porno, valium, Reebok, fake tits, sushi, Taco Bell, rodeo, Bed
Bath and Beyond.

Liberty, waxed lips, the Alamo, Band-Aids, Christmas, immigrants, Popeye, Democrats, Republicans, sportsmanship, books.

I find it interesting that it says fuck yeah to slavery LOL. These idiots. After he says 'Bed Bath and Beyond' . . . they all go 'ummm fuck. . . .' and after Republicans they do the same thing LOL.

So Fuck yeah!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Why the fuck doesn't anyone comment on my blog???? GEEZ! It's right there. . . just comment!