Too Many Mind
I just got finished watching the last episode of Sex in the City and I think it was great. I am glad Big and Carrie got together. You find out, his real name is John! I think that's pretty funny. I never knew. I don't know if they ever even said. It's cool. Carrie was in Paris. I will probably never go to Paris. I am thinking of a metropolitan lifestyle like hers. I always dreamed of it. I think of living single in a studio apartment for the rest of my life and think. . . there is nothing wrong with that. I actually don't see myself as married with kids. That would disappoint my family and Jack I imagine. He is important to me. . . but I don't know. How do I reconcile one feeling or lifestyle with another? I love that city life. I always have. I have always wanted to move to New York since I was a little girl. I thought to myself, this place is where it's at. New York, where life moves at the speed of light. If i could live in a brownstone studio apartment, something nice like Carrie had, I wouldn't mind it one bit. I love that lifestyle. But then, I come back to the fact that I'd always feel lonely. I would always feel lonely. I don't know why I can't get over that feeling. Perhaps it's human nature. I would always feel lonely.
But then, do I really want to be married? I ask myself that. I get caught up in a moment and I am sure, marriage is the way to go. I want kids after I finish talking to my cousin who has a son. I want a picket fence. I want a big white house with the curtains that blow in the wind. I want a golden retriever. . . yes I want a dog. I mean I want those things but honestly, I don't know. Maybe that is not my path. The only thing that makes me think it is, is the fact that I have no direction. Maybe a family will give me direction and purpose. Maybe I will have a family and end up leaving them because I didn't want it in the first place. But I couldn't do that. Maybe I would get stuck in a situation that I didn't want to be in.
A Dream Scenario . . .
I see myself in my own apartment. A house is too much trouble. Even a condo if I got lucky and struck it big. So I have my own place. Everything is mostly white and natural wood. . . real wood, not that fake stuff that you put down but that nice semi-dark beautiful wood. I can see that. Some very nice things. A nice television where I can always watch whatever I would like without worrying about what others wanted. I could be an old maid. I could live in that beautiful apartment (or even house maybe) and have my own bedroom. In fact my dream scenario I have a house with a couple of bedrooms. . . maybe a second floor. I always love the second floor, but I think alone I might be afraid. That's why I would probably do better in an apartment. I'm sitting on my white couch because single people can have those, and I am over my light tan carpet, legs folded under me on the couch holding a white mug of hot chocolate. There are marshmallows in it. I am smiling. My hair is straightened. . . these days I have done nothing to it short of comb it into a neat afro. Jack likes it anyway. So I am sitting in front of a television but it's not on. I have a smile on my face. My living-room has bookshelves everywhere. I have many books of all kinds. My kitchen is mostly white too. I love this vision. Who knows where it is. (Why White, I don't know)
A Different Dream Scenario . . .
I think about possibly a life on the countryside or somewhere in a very very small town. I would probably hate it if it's too small. It's me, I'm wearing a country style dress, maybe an apron, who knows. I'm smiling running out to pick up some of the children's toys from the yard. Yes there are kids. A little girl and a little boy. The girl is about 5 and the boy maybe 3. They are probably at school. They aren't in the picture now. In that scenario I also picture me with my daughter cleaning out pumpkins and making halloween decorations. We are laughing and smiling. Where dad is, I don't know, but I know he is around somewhere. Maybe at work. My son is a smiler. Everything is a smile. But then I think, this is sweet but these aren't my kids, hell I have a hard time picturing them black like me. Geezus. I don't know what's wrong with me. Does that mean that this is the Scenario that isn't for me? I don't know what I want.
How do you find out what you want out of life? I don't know. I guess by living but living has brought me nothing but questions. I got through times where I think I know, then I come back on it and find out, all I had from the beginning was questions and all I wanted I'm not too sure about it. It's amazing, Jack just flipped to
The Last Samurai and Tom Cruise is trapped there (great movie, by the way) and he is talking to the Samurai leader about General Custer. Then he yells once he gets angry, "What do you want from me?" and the man responds, "What do you want for yourself?" He goes on to say,
from the moment they wake, they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue.
What is it I wish to pursue? I like creating. That is the only true thing I can say. Is a baby just another creation to be made? I don't see myself with a 14 year old. I don't see myself with a husband or grandkids old and grey.
Here's another line from the movie,
Too many mind, mind the people watching, mind the enemy, too many mind. No mind. The man I guess is saying that his mind is on too many things. I guess that's how I am. My mind is everywhere. What will people think of me if I do this? Why is this person looking at me like this? Is Jack upset? Am I gonna die tomorrow because I didn't take care of myself? Will Jack die tomorrow for the same reasons? Am I gonna be able to find a job? Will I make enough money to pay back my debts? I go outside and I'm afraid of what is lurking in the dark. I am afraid of what is lurking everywhere. Will I fit in? Now this family is talking about moving to Texas which I am fine with but Jack has told me me, him, and his mom were going to Texas but it seems the whole family is moving. I actually don't guess I mind. I just don't know what to do with myself. Do I look left or right, do I look down or up? I have no clue of God's will. I don't know that he directs me at all. Maybe I am too much of a sinner for that. My brother says so. I do not know how to be. I only do what comes next. What should I be; I am not sure. Too many mind. That is me for sure. Too many mind to make a decision. What will change me? What will be my answer?
Maybe I will end up pregnant and married by default and I'll be happy with that. My greatest fear is that I will come back to it, this idea that I might have wanted something else and it will be too late. It will be too late. So what do I do? Sit here paralyzed at 26 almost 27 and do I decide on nothing or do I go with the flow as Jack has said? I believe things flow the way you would have them flow so to go with the flow is to also know what you want. I get so frustrated about not knowing what to do. I get so damned frustrated. My stomach even now is killing me from the stress of it. I can't stand it. What do I do with my life?!??!! People in this world have purpose. I know I should serve God but I am not confident. I am not one of those people like Mrs. KC that hears God talking to her and has his will in her mind (if you know this person you are laughing at this point). What God wants for me, I can only decide, is not yet revealed.
I once took a personality test that aligned me with Hitler. I wonder about that. Am I a person who could lead people? Is my destiny greater than I can imagine because I cannot imagine it? I feel arrogant to even think of such a thing. Perhaps my destiny is less than I could ever imagine. That is also a possibility that I fear but somehow it would do me good to even know what I am destined for. I have no clue.
I noticed today that the ring that Larry bought me is missing one of the sapphires. I am sad about it mainly because I hate wearing ghetto stuff but I have no other ring. I also think it is the truth of the end of something. I have no thoughts today that are clear. I am blinded, by what I do not know. Too many mind.